Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the Panama Papers leak case in the FEMA case. He has been asked to appear before the ED’s Delhi office on Monday (December 20) for questioning. However, he expressed his inability to appear before the ED today. The investigating agency will soon issue fresh summons to the actress.
The actress was earlier summoned by the ED on November 9, 2021 under Section 37 of FEMA, however, she did not join the investigation. The summons was sent to his Mumbai residence ‘Pratiksha’. The actress was asked to respond within 15 days, after which she replied via email.
An ED official said, “We have summoned him for December 20. Till now we have not received any reply from his side. The summons was sent to his Mumbai residence.”
If she does not join the investigation, then the ED will think of further legal action. The official said they can take legal opinion from experts to decide the future course of action.