Cupertino-based tech giant Apple on Thursday opened the doors of its second retail store in India. The new Apple Store, known as Apple Saket, is located on the first floor of Select Citywalk Mall in South Delhi. CEO Tim Cook unveiled the Apple Saket store at 10 am.
Apple CEO Tim Cook warmly welcomes eager customers gathered outside Apple’s Delhi store with a smile. He also interacted with customers and posed for photographs with fans.
Apple Saket Store Tour:
Despite the small size, the Apple Saket store offers all the expected services like any other Apple store. Apple Saket features a uniquely designed curved storefront with white oak tables showcasing Apple products and accessories, as well as a Made in India feature wall.
There is a dedicated Apple Pickup station. Apple Pickup allows buyers to order online and collect their devices in-store at a convenient time. Not to forget, Apple Saket stores on 100 percent renewable energy and is carbon neutral. The Saket store has over 70 retail team members who come from a combined 18 states in India and collectively speak over 15 languages.
For hands-on technical and hardware support, visitors can make a reservation at Apple Market’s Genius Bar for expert help. A Genius Bar appointment can help with everything from setting up a device, recovering an Apple ID, selecting an AppleCare plan, or modifying a subscription.
Apple Saket will be an exciting center of inspiration and education, offering customers free, daily in-store sessions at Apple through today.
At Apple Saket, Apple programming today will take place in a roundtable setting for a more personalized customer experience. For photographers, musicians, artists, or even first-time Apple customers, participants can register for today’s Apple sessions at The store’s operating hours are scheduled from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM on all weekdays.