World-renowned herbalist and mystic Baba Vanga has made many predictions for the coming centuries, where one of her predictions leads to the end of the world. Many predictions of Baba Vanga have proved to be true, where the atmosphere of fear has bound human existence.
The Bulgarian mystic was born blind and is often referred to as the Nostradamus of the Balkans. Many of her predictions came true, including the Chernobyl disaster, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the death of Princess Diana, one of the most controversial events in British history.
Although Baba Vanga passed away in 1996, her predictions continue to make headlines, where she released her 5 Predictions for 2023 That Are Really Terrifying, Make You Uncomfortable.
If you thought the year 2020 was disastrous, wait till you hear Baba Vanga’s prediction for 2023. According to Baba Vanga’s prediction for 2023, the greatest astronomical event in the history of human existence will occur with a change in the Earth’s orbit, which will move to a catastrophic catastrophe. Effects that can cause high radiation levels, including solar storms.
She also predicted that extraterrestrials would arrive on the planet in 2023, where they would be hostile, killing millions. The controversial herbalist also talked about biological weapons experiments carried out by a superpower country that would cause mass destruction.
According to her predictions, 2023 will be in global crisis due to conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, as she predicted last year already. She also made predictions for years prior to her demise, stating that an astronaut would land on Venus in 2028, while 5079 would mark the end of the world.
Born in Bulgaria in 1911, Baba Vanga’s real name is Vangelia Pandeva Gushtarova. Having lost her eyesight in childhood, she was believed to have extraordinary abilities where her predictions were believed to come true.
She was a premature baby who was suffering from health complications. According to local tradition, the child was not given a name until it was expected to survive. When the baby cried for the first time, a midwife went out into the street and asked a stranger her name.
The stranger proposed Andromaha (Andromache), but was rejected for being “too Greek” during a period of anti-Hellenic sentiment within Macedonian-Bulgarian society. Another stranger’s proposal was a Greek name, adapted for the Bulgarian version.