EXPOSED: Yogendra Yadav’s hypocrisy regarding agriculture bill

Yogendra Yadav, politician, founder of Swaraj India, and one of the most prominent faces of protests by the ongoing farmers is making the 2018 video, rounding up on social media platforms where he can be seen favoring the very agricultural laws, which Now that is to protest.

Yogendra Yadav in 2018 wanted Govt to link Farmers directly to the market. When Modi Govt did it, Aandolan Jeevi is opposing the same.


Yadav, who opposes the three farm laws passed by the Narendra Modi government at the center, is seen advocating reforms in the agriculture sector that are contained in the new farm bills.

“At least the government can make the market accessible to farmers. There are seven layers between the producer and the buyer right now. These layers must be removed. And finally, the government must regulate the market.” Farmers are being exploited and this has to be stopped,” he can be seen saying in the video.

He said, “The middlemen take power and make meera, while both producers (farmers) and buyers (consumers) suffer.”

In 2018, Yogendra Yadav wanted the government to directly connect farmers to the market. When the Modi government did this, Anandolan ji is opposing the same.

The new farms talk of opening new mandis (markets), where farmers can sell their produce directly to private players. This also ends the hegemony of the middlemen whom Yadav is blasting in the video.

The volcanoes encountered by Yadav and several opposition parties, now in favor of repealing farm laws, expose a frightening hypocrisy.

It has also been underlined that farmers’ protests have now been hijacked by political elements with vested interests and their sole purpose is to bring the Modi government to its knees even at the cost of farmers and consumers.