If you are planning to take a loan for some reason, then this news can be even more beneficial for you. Actually, now you can take a personal loan of up to 1 lakh in a few minutes through Google Pay.
New Delhi: If you also use Google Pay, then there is great news for you. If you are planning to take a loan for some reason, then this news can be even more beneficial for you. Actually, now you can also take a personal loan in minutes through Google Pay. Yes, don’t be surprised, you heard it right. In fact, on Monday, DMI Finance Private Limited (DMI) has announced the launch of a personal loan product on Google Pay.
Users will get double benefit
Users can double benefit on this product. In fact, through this, users can get the dual benefit of Google Pay’s customer experience and DMI’s digital loan disbursal process. This will help a lot for new borrowers taking loans.
You can easily take loan up to one lakh
Under this service, users can easily take a loan of up to Rs 1 lakh for a maximum period of 36 months. This feature, available on Google Pay, is being launched with more than 15,000 pin codes.
How will DMI Finance work?
First, DMI Finance will select pre-qualified eligible users. After this Google will offer the product to those users through pay. The applications of these users will be processed in real time. After doing so the loan money will be transferred to the customer/users immediately in their bank account.
Not every Google Pay user will get the benefit of this feature
However, here let us tell you that not every user using Google Pay will be able to get the benefit of this facility. This facility can be availed by only those users who have a better credit score.
What does the company have to say about this feature?
Shivashish Chatterjee, Co-Founder and Joint MD, DMI Finance says, “Our team has worked together to bring transparency and credit to millions of Google Pay users. In the years to come, we will do our best to foster new partnerships and deliver on the promise of financial opportunities/inclusion for millions. Which will benefit the users.
The company also says that with just one click on the mobile phone, the users will get the loan easily. The company says that it has got the support of DMI Finance to make this loan facility possible for Google Pay users, which everyone is very excited about, as it can realize the dream of financial inclusion through technology.