Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat reached Indore on Friday. Here he participated in the Swar Shatakam program of Malwa province. During his address, he said that the Sangh does not do any work for show. The Sangh works, so it is showcased.
Mohan Bhagwat said that the programs of the Sangh increase the virtues of man. We teach to use danda and lathi in the Sangh. We do not teach this for show or fighting, but it comes in handy when a situation arises. Learning to use lathi brings bravery in man. He is not afraid.
Call to join the Sangh
Dr. Bhagwat addressed the program for about 28 minutes. During this, referring to the novel Anand Math, he said that it is written in it – O lathi, your days are over, but after getting educated hands, there is no work that you cannot do.
Calling to join the Sangh, the Sarsanghchalak said that people do not join the Sangh because they have to do something, but because they have to do something for the nation. If the spirit of nation building is awakened in everyone, then one day the whole world will see an era of happiness and peace. Volunteers gave a collective performance. Swar Shatakam program was organized at Dussehra Ground in Indore. During this, volunteers from 28 districts of Malwa province also gave a collective performance. They performed without stopping for 45 minutes. A large number of common people were also present in the program along with the volunteers. Sangh chief Dr. Bhagwat said that such a large number of volunteers have performed music together here. Music teaches us to move together with mutual coordination. The performance of music by so many volunteers together is a wonderful event. Our tradition of Ran Sangeet, which had become extinct, has now returned again.