With new testing scheme, Delhi Traffic Police aims to quickly resolve congestion on roads

Traffic congestion – mainly caused by accidents, vehicle breakdowns or traffic violations – is nothing new to Delhi’s roads. Now, Delhi Traffic Police has come up with a plan to ensure quick resolution of the problem.

Over the past month, on a trial basis, they have expanded the duties of traffic constables in three districts: Instead of standing at one place, directing traffic at intersections, constables in traffic situations monitor the entire area assigned to them. do. Jam, officials said.

A senior officer said it was being observed that traffic officers posted at intersections, usually constable-level officers, used to stay at one place. In case of congestion, officers had to be called separately based on calls made to the traffic control room at the Delhi Traffic Police headquarters in Todapur. “The mobile prosecution team will then be deployed and officers will take action on the cause and ultimately help in clearing the traffic,” an officer said.

Now, a trial scheme for effective traffic management has been launched in North, Central and East Delhi, where traffic officers deployed at intersections will also manage congestion, the official said. “E-challan issuing machines have now also been provided to them and this will ensure that the constable is responsible for the entire detail instead of being deputed to a static position, which was leading to wastage of manpower and time to clear the traffic. It was taking more time. ..” said the second officer.

The official said the common causes of overcrowding mostly range from bus breakdowns to construction activities to traffic violations. “Instead of separately deploying police officers to clear the road for traffic, constables will have better knowledge of the situation and can easily handle them,” a source said.
“We have made arrangements on a trial basis and will study its impact on how much and how quickly the crowd is reducing. Based on this, the scheme will be implemented in some more districts,” said an official.