Lucknow: 20 percent women will be recruited in Uttar Pradesh Police from now on. State Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said this while inaugurating ‘Mission Shakti’. Emphasizing on the safety and respect of sisters and daughters, he said that the state government will bring severe punishment to those who put a bad eye on them under the ambit of law. Such people have no place in the state and their plight is certain.
The Chief Minister said these things at the inauguration of Mission Shakti in Balrampur on Saturday. He gave a gift of five hundred crore rupees to Balrampur. The Chief Minister said that the government will deal with those criminals who will try to hurt women dignity and self-respect.
Inaugurating the Mission Shakti Abhiyan, which runs from Sharadiya Navratri to Vasantik Navratri, said that women are a symbol of power. In our eternal tradition, the woman is revered, venerable. The ritual of Navratri signifies this. It is necessary that in the changing times, the new generation should be the bearer of the tradition of their eternal culture, spreading among them, respect for women, safety and self-reliance. Mission Shakti is an effort in this direction.
He said that women and daughters need safety and respect from home. There is no distinction between son and daughter, murder of daughters and child marriage should be publicly condemned in the womb. Through efforts like Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana, Mukhyamantri Samyukta Vivah Yojana, the Central and State governments are firmly committed to the upliftment of daughters. Make a complaint of violence or crime against you. You have all the options like 1090, 1070, 189, 112 available all the time.
Also read in Hindi: ‘मिशन शक्ति’ के तहत UP पुलिस में 20% महिलाओं की होगी भर्ती