New Delhi: 50,848 new cases were registered in India during the last 24 hours. Now for the 16th consecutive day, less than 1 lakh new cases have been registered daily. This is the result of continuous and concerted efforts by the Center and the States/UTs. There is also a steady decline in the number of active cases in India. The number of active cases in the country today is 6,43,194. This is the lowest in 82 days.
In another significant development, India’s total immunization coverage crossed 29 crores yesterday. According to the tentative report at 7 am today, a total of 29,46,39,511 doses of the vaccine have been administered through 39,49,630 sessions. 54,24,374 doses of vaccine were given in the last 24 hours.
June 21, 2021 marks the beginning of a new era of universalization of COVID-19 vaccination. The Central Government is committed to accelerate the pace of COVID-19 vaccination across the country and expand its scope.
The total decreased by 19,327 in the last 24 hours and now the active cases in comparison to the total positive cases in the country are at the level of just 2.14 percent.
With more people recovering from Kovid-19 infection, the number of daily recoveries in India remained more than the daily new cases for the 41st consecutive day. 68,817 people have been cured during the last 24 hours.
During the last 24 hours, about 18,000 (17,969) more people were cured than the daily new cases.
Of those infected since the beginning of the pandemic, 2,89,94,855 people have already been cured of COVID-19 and 68,817 more patients were cured during the last 24 hours. Thus the overall recovery rate is 96.56 percent, which shows a trend of continuous improvement.
With the vast improvement in testing capacity across the country, a total of 19,01,056 tests were conducted in the country during the last 24 hours. So far, a total of 39.59 crore (39,59,73,198) investigations have been done in India.
While investigations have increased across the country, there is a steady decline in weekly case positivity. Currently, the weekly positivity rate is at the level of 3.12 percent, while today the daily positivity rate is 2.67 percent. It remained less than 5 percent for the 16th consecutive day.