Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said here on Friday that Israel will help India transform 150 villages around Centers of Excellence into villages of excellence.
Israel to help India transform 150 villages into villages of excellence © Provided by Statesman Israel to help India transform 150 villages into villages of excellence.
While 75 villages will be taken up this year, the rest will be taken up later. Israel will provide technical support and other expertise to make agriculture a more profitable business.
This information was given by the Union Agriculture Minister while welcoming the Ambassador of Israel Naor Gilone at Krishi Bhavan on the completion of 30 years of diplomatic relations with India and Israel.
He said that at present there are 29 Centers of Excellence functioning in 12 states in India, which produce more than 25 million vegetable plants, more than 387 thousand quality fruit plants, and have the capacity to train 1.2 lakh farmers per year. keep.