New Delhi: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh reviewed the plans for Arrow India-21 in New Delhi today. The Ministry of Defense told the Defense Minister that the current international guidelines for the exhibition have been confirmed and that the exhibition is planned to focus on business. The public, who are usually excited to watch the aerial performances, will see it this year in the virtual mode so that global A&D businesses can have secure interactions between people and forge partnerships in the new year.
There has been a lot of interest in this exhibition as a lot of site space has been sold and over 500 people have registered for the exhibition. Keeping in mind the challenges arising out of Covid-19, the Defense Minister directed that the exhibition be held only on business days i.e. 3-5 February 2021 to create a people-to-people movement towards aerospace and defense industry, which includes lockdown and embargo / Due to restrictions, many travel-related challenges were faced in the year 2020.
Senior representatives of the foreign embassy in New Delhi were briefed about Arrow India-21 in early October 2020 to encourage the presence of their heads and decision-making seniors and thereafter formal invitations were made. Arrow India-21 showcases India’s aerospace and defense manufacturing capability as well as urges investment in India by taking several policy initiatives in defense. Foreign direct investment through automatic route has been increased to 74 percent. The Defense Acquisition Process-2020 during the epidemic period 2020 drafted the revised offset guidelines and the Defense Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020 (DPEPP 2020) with the objective of promoting investment for co-development and co-production in India Gone.
Defense Minister reiterated India’s commitment to be among the top five countries in the field of aerospace and defense production. Arrow India-21 is a symbol of being a guide among the guides of India. Shri Rajnath Singh said that self-reliant India is the focal point of the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. India’s aerospace and defense sector has matured and is continuously exploring mutually beneficial partnerships with friendly countries to set up industries in India to manufacture country-made defense equipment for India and the world.
The Defense Minister urged the Indian embassies to make coordinated efforts for this exhibition and request prominent people and industrialists from outside countries to participate in Aero India-21 at a senior level to deepen the strategic and business opportunities available in India. To be adopted from. The Defense Minister expressed confidence that Arrow India-21 will demonstrate India’s ability to move forward and strengthen our strength in the post-Covid world.