New Delhi: Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, has been missing for the last 2 months. According to a report, Jack Ma, who ruled in online shopping in China through his company Alibaba, has not been seen since a dispute with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Jack Ma had strongly criticized the country’s financial regulators and state-run banks in Shanghai in October last year. Jack Ma, a 56-year-old businessman, has not been seen in public for more than two months.
Jack Ma has been in the news recently as he spread his empire in China through his company. In late December, Chinese regulators launched a no-confidence probe into Alibaba, the country’s largest e-commerce company, which some call ‘Amazon of China’.
The new rules came after Ma’s criticism of China’s financial regulatory system at a conference in Shanghai in October. At the conference, Ma reportedly dismissed global financial rules used by China as ‘an old people’s club’ and said, “We cannot use tomorrow’s methods to regulate the future.” Huh.”
Blair Silverberg, CEO of debt-financing startup Capital, told Business Insider Katie Cannell in November that as the new rules were introduced, the government could claim its supremacy over Jack Ma.
In November, Chinese officials gave a strong blow to Jack Ma and suspended his Ant Group’s $ 37 billion IPO. According to a Wall Street General report, the order to cancel the IPO of Jack Ma’s Ant Group came directly from Chinese President Xi Jinping. Jack Ma was then asked on Christmas Eve not to move out of China until the ongoing investigation against his Alibaba Group is completed.
As reported by the Financial Times, Jack Ma mysteriously disappeared from his TV show ‘Africa Business Heroes’ in November, just before the finals in November. Not only this, his picture was also removed from the show. A spokesman for the Alibaba Group said that Jack Ma is no longer part of the panel of judges because of the program’s schedule dispute. The show was filmed in November, but has not yet been released.
Let me tell you that Jack Ma is not the first person to suppress the voice in China’s autocratic government. China has detained or disappeared a large number of people in its country who criticize the policies of the Communist Party or Xi Jinping government.