Mumbai: Ruchika Sachdev unveiled her collection as the finale designer at the Grand Finale of the Fashion Fashion Week organized by Laxmik Fashion Week and FDCI. At the same time, Ananya Pandey became the show stopper in Ruchika’s outfit.
Let us know that Ananya Lakme is the brand ambassador of Abstl. At the same time, she became the show stopper for the first time at the Grand Finale.
Designer Ruchika Sachdev launched her collection in a finale called Ready Set Play using different patterns and shapes.
Ruchika Sachdeva’s Grand Finale Collection is inspired by Lakshmi’s beauty theme #MiniPlayMegaSlay. Talking about working with the designer, Ananya said, “It has been a great experience, I really like her clothes. It seems to me that she has such a bold design structure. She has the right mix of classics, but she has a lot of fun with color. So I like her design very much. The outfit I wore today for Finale really stands out for everyone, as it is a very interesting structure, but also a lot of play with color. “
Talking about her first grand finale collection, Ruchika Sachdev said that ‘this moment is very special for me. Got a chance to present the collection on such a big platform here. I could not find a bigger partner than Lakshme and a better show stopper than Ananya. This collection was completely inspired by how small things get transformed into a fashionable look. ‘
As fashion designer Ruchika Sachdeva started her label bodice in 2011, her sole purpose was to simplify things and navigate the “chaos”, something that was also reflected in her neutral designs.