New Delhi: The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has published a rule on 29 September 2020 under GSR 594 (E) for the safety of people who help in a crisis. The rule empowers Good Smartians, which includes a detailed description of the rights in the rules for a Good Smartian and will be treated respectfully without any discrimination on the basis of religion, nationality, race or gender. No police officer or any other person shall compel a Good Smartian to disclose his name, identity, address or any such personal details. However, he may choose to give any information voluntarily.
The rule also states that every public and private hospital shall publish a charter in Hindi, English and vernacular at its entrance or other specific place and on its website and state the rights of Good Smartians under the Act and the Rules made. Further, if a person has voluntarily agreed to be a witness in a case in which he has acted as a Good Smartian, he shall be examined in accordance with the provisions of this rule, for which detailed guidelines in the rules and The process is mentioned.
It is noteworthy that the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 has protected a new section 134A, ie Good Smartion, which states that for the death or death of a victim of an accident involving a Good Smartian motor vehicle Shall not be liable for any civil or criminal action where such injury or death has occurred due to failure to take action or negligence of Good Smartian in taking action while providing emergency medical or non-medical care or assistance and that the Central Government Can inquire or investigate Good Smartian for disclosure of Good Smartian’s personal information and other matters related to it, based on the rules of.
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