New Delhi: As it was being expected that there is going to be a big reshuffle and expansion in the Narendra Modi cabinet. Meanwhile, the news is coming that Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank and Dr. Harsh Vardhan have been removed from the post of Health Minister. The resignation of his colleague, Minister of State for Health Ashwini Choubey, has also been taken. He has been removed due to prolonged illness. Apart from this, the resignation of Minister of State for Women and Child Development Debashree Chaudhary has been sought. Apart from this, the resignation of Labor Minister Santosh Gangwar has also been taken. Not only this, Sadananda Gowda’s leaf has also been cut and the resignation of Minister of State for Education Sanjay Dhotre has also been taken. The resignation of Bengal MP Babul Supriyo has also been taken from the post of Minister of State for Forest and Environment. A total of 11 ministers have resigned.
Significantly, the resignation of Ratanlal Kataria, MP from Ambala, has been taken for the fourth time. The resignation of Minister of State Pratap Chandra Sarangi has also been accepted. On Tuesday itself, Social Justice Minister Thaawarchand Gehlot was removed and given the responsibility of Governor of Karnataka. In this way so far 10 people have been discharged from the cabinet. Meanwhile, the BJP has also taken control of its alliance partner JDU in Bihar. In the account of JDU, along with one post of Cabinet Minister, 3 posts of Minister of State will go. JDU leader RCP Singh will be the cabinet minister.
Let us tell you that there will be an oath-taking ceremony for the new ministers joining the cabinet at 6 pm. 19 new faces can be included in the cabinet expansion of Modi government. With this, the number of council of ministers will increase from 53 to 72. The height of some ministers can also be increased in the cabinet reshuffle. Among these, the main name of Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri is going on.
Lawyers, doctors and engineers will be included in the cabinet
It is expected that around 43 ministers will take oath this evening. 11 women will also be given a chance in the cabinet. Along with this, there will be 13 lawyers, six doctors, five engineers in the cabinet. According to sources, seniority, experience, profession as well as conscientiousness are being given priority in the blueprint of Modi’s new team. The average age of the cabinet will be around 58 years. There are 14 ministers whose age is below 50.