Corona Update: Daily new cases of Covid-19 in the country are below 9 thousand after 8 months

New Delhi: There is a steady decline in daily new cases of Covid in India. After reaching a high of 95,735 on 10 September 2020, such cases today are the lowest in 8 months at 8,635. India’s average daily new cases have also seen a clear decline in the past 5 weeks.

While their number was 18,934 in the period from 30 December 2020 to 5 January 2021, the average of new cases daily has come down to 12,772 from 27 January to 2 February 2021.During the last 24 hours, the number of daily deaths from Covid-19 in the country has also been the lowest in eight and a half months, down from 100. On May 15 last year, 100 people died from Covid-19.

The average daily death figures from Covid-19 over the past 5 weeks also show a similar decline. The number was reduced to 128 in the period from 27 January to 2 February 2021, compared to 242 average daily deaths recorded in the period from 30 December 2020 to 5 January 2021.

The total active cases of Covid in the country also reduced to 1.63 lakh (1,63,353) today. Currently, such active cases constitute only 1.52 percent of the total positive cases.

The total number of people recovering from Covid in the country also reached 1.04 crore (1,04,48,406) today. With this, the recovery rate has been 97.05 percent. As of 8 am on February 2, 2021, a total of 39.50 lakh (39,50,156) beneficiaries in the country underwent nationwide Covid vaccination.

In the last 24 hours, 1,91,313 health workers were vaccinated in 3,516 sessions.

So far 72,731 sessions of immunization have been conducted.

There has been a steady increase in the number of beneficiaries vaccinated every day.

During the last 24 hours 13423 Covid patients have been healthy and discharged from the hospital.

New cases of recovery of 85.09 percent were reported from ten states and union territories.

Kerala leads with 5,215 new recovery cases a day. In the last 24 hours, 3,289 people in Maharashtra have been cured of the disease, followed by Chhattisgarh where 520 people have recovered from Covid in one day.

80.10 percent of the daily new cases are from 6 states and union territories.

Kerala had the highest daily number of new cases at 3,459. This was followed by 1,948 in Maharashtra, while Tamil Nadu saw 502 new cases.

The Center is sending high-level teams to Kerala and Maharashtra to support states in public health interventions for Covid management.

94 deaths have been reported from Covid in the last 24 hours. In five states / union territories the percentage of daily deaths from Covid is 65.96. Maharashtra has the highest number of deaths (27). Covid has killed 17 people a day in Kerala and 7 in Tamil Nadu. There have been no reports of anyone dying from Covid in the last 24 hours from sixteen states / union territories.