Corona Update: Patients recovering from the last 24 days increased, the recovery rate is 95.53%

New Delhi: The total number of active cases in India has come down to 3.03 lakh (3,03,639) today. This number is the lowest in 161 days. The total number of active cases as of 13 July 2020 was 3,01,609. The current number of active cases in India is only 3.02 percent of the total positive cases. A total of 1,705 cases of active cases have been registered due to the recovery of new patients.

In the last 24 days, daily new recovery is going on more than new cases recorded. The number of daily new cases in the last 24 hours has been 24,337, while 25,709 patients have been cured and discharged from hospitals.

Today, the recovery rate has improved to 95.53 percent due to an increase in the number of patients recovering.

A total of 9,606,111 patients have been cured. This number is the highest globally. The difference between cured cases and active cases is steadily increasing and has reached 93,02,472.

71.61 percent of the new patients recovering are from 10 States / UTs.

In Kerala, 4,471 new patients have been cured in a day. This number is the highest. In West Bengal and Maharashtra, 2,627 and 2,064 new patients have been cured in a day respectively.

79.20 percent of new cases are related to 10 states / UTs.

Kerala has the highest number of 5,711 new cases reported in a single day. Subsequently, 3,811 and 1,978 new cases have been detected in Maharashtra and West Bengal respectively.

There have been 333 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.
81.38 percent of new cases of death are from 10 states / UTs. Maharashtra has the highest number of deaths of 98 patients in a single day, while West Bengal and Kerala have lost 40 and 30 patients a day, respectively.

Among the countries with the lowest death rate per 10 million population globally, India is included (105.7).

All focused measures, including targeted testing, early detection, timely isolation and hospitalization of patients as early as possible, and standard medical protocols have ensured that the number of patients dying daily due to Kovid is less than 400.