Corona virus worsens Nepal’s situation, may again lockdown

New Delhi: Chinese virus has caught big countries of the world including America, India, Brazil. This virus has put Nepal in a big crisis along with the whole world. According to Hindustan, this crisis is even more serious for Nepal because its economy is based on tourism and the tourism business has stalled for about 6 months. Nepal also lacks resources to fight the epidemic. Nepal’s Health Ministry has clearly stated that if the active cases exceed 25 thousand, then their country will not be in a position to handle so many patients. In such a situation, lockdown is the only support.

Please tell that at present, the number of corona positive cases in Nepal has reached close to 22 thousand. The speed in which corona cases are increasing, it is believed that there will be more than 25 thousand active cases within a week and strict lockdown can be implemented again across the country.

According to the Kathmandu Post, Dr. Roshan Pokhriyal, Chief Specialist, Health Department, said, “The risk is increasing with severity. The existing resources being used for the treatment of serious patients will not be able to handle additional patients after the active cases exceed 25,000 thousand. “

On one hand, emphasis is being given to increase corona testing across the world, while the Oli government of Nepal has curtailed the reverse investigation so that more cases do not appear. In an attempt to save his chair, KP Oli has folded his eyes in the same way that a pigeon looks at the cat and understands that the cat is not there. The Oli government has reduced RT-PCR test. A total of 12,444 PCR tests were conducted in Nepal on Thursday, of which 5 thousand 16 were done by private labs, while only 7 thousand tests were done in 40 government labs.

On the one hand the government is considering a lockdown again, on the other hand, experts say that if the infection has already spread to door-to-door and communities, then the lockdown and sanctions will not benefit. Infectious disease specialist Dr. Anoop Subedhi told the Kathmandu Post, “The same strategy does not work every time and it will not give the expected results if the lockdown is done again.” The spread of corona virus infection may be more elaborate than we think. Because the positivity rate is very high, which means that the virus is spreading rapidly. “

Nepal’s health experts believe that if the number of investigations in the country is increased, a large number of people will be found infected. According to the data released by the government, 79,728 people have been infected in the country so far, out of which 25,103 have been infected only in the Kathmandu Valley. The government has so far said that 509 people in the country will die due to corona.

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