New Delhi: In the chargesheet filed by Delhi Police in the case of Delhi riots, the names of many prominent personalities from politicians to lawyers and activists have been revealed. It includes Congress leader Salman Khurshid and advocate Prashant Bhushan. Former Congress councilor Ishrat Jahan and one of the accused Khalid Saifee have revealed their names in the statement. Such statements are inappropriate under Section 25 of the Indian Evidence Act.
Former Congress councilor Ishrat Jahan said in his revelations that various personalities like former foreign minister Salman Khurshid, lawyer Prashant Bhushan, activist Harsh Mander and activist-turned-politician Yogendra Yadav participated in the protests.
On September 16, a similar statement was also given by Khalid Saifi and other witnesses. The police filed a charge sheet against the accused under various sections of causing harm to UAPA, Indian Penal Code, Arms Act and Public Property Act. The copy of the charge sheet was sent to his counsel on Monday.
In February this year, a charge sheet was filed less than 200 days after filing an FIR to investigate the angle of conspiracy behind the riots in Northeast Delhi. The situation went out of control amid clashes between citizenship law supporters and protesters, killing at least 53 people and injuring around 200 people.
The chargesheet includes Tahir Hussain, Safura Jarger, Gulfisha Khatoon, Devangana Kalita, Shafa-ur-Rehman, Asif Iqbal Tanha, Natasha Narwal, Abdul Khalid Saifi, Ishrat Jahan, Miran Haider, Shadab Ahmed, Talsim Ahmed, Salim Malik, Mo. Salim Khan and Athar Khan are included.
Tahir Hussain has been made the main accused in the charge sheet. However, Omar Khalid, Sharjil Imam, Mohammad Parvez Ahmed, Mohammad Ilyas, Danish and Faizal Khan are not named in the charge sheet. Their names will be added to the supplementary charge sheet.
Also read in Hindi: Delhi Riots: सलमान खुर्शीद और प्रशांत भूषण पर लगे गंभीर आरोप, कुछ और बड़े नाम भी शामिल