New Delhi: Apart from the measures announced under ‘PM Cares for Children – Empowerment of Covid Affected Children’, the Government of India has announced many more measures to help families who lost earning member due to Covid. Under these measures, the families of those who lost their lives due to COVID will be given pension along with enhanced and generous insurance compensation.
The Prime Minister said that his government stands in solidarity with all these families. He also said that through these schemes, efforts are being made to reduce the financial difficulties faced by these families.
Family Pension under Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
In order to help these families to live life with dignity and maintain their standard of living, the benefit of ESIC pension scheme for employment related death cases is now being extended even to those who have died due to Covid. Dependent family members of these persons will be entitled to pension benefits equal to 90% of the average daily salary or remuneration of the employee or worker concerned as per the existing norms. This benefit will be available with retrospective effect from 24.03.2020 and till 24.03.2022 for all such cases.
Employee Provident Fund Organization – Employee Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme (EDLI)
The insurance benefits under the EDLI scheme have been liberalized along with the increase. Apart from all the other beneficiaries, the scheme will especially help the families of employees who have lost their lives due to Covid.
The maximum insurance benefit has been increased from Rs 6 lakh to Rs 7 lakh.
The provision of minimum insurance benefit of Rs 2.5 lakh has been restored and will come into effect for the next three years from 15 February 2020 with retrospective effect.
The condition of continued employment in only one establishment has been liberalized to benefit the families of contract workers / casual workers, now the benefits are being made available even to the families of those employees who have He had probably changed his job in the last 12 months before his death.
Detailed guidelines of these schemes are being issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment.