Does Immune Activation of Asthma Patients Make Them Less Deadly?

Cough, cough, and stiffness of the lungs are thought of on hearing the name of Covid. This disease seems fatal for asthma patients. But a research conducted at PGI Chandigarh and Panjab University has found surprising results.

Considering the results of this research, published in the journal Sustainable Cities and Society, allergic rhinitis and asthma have been found in patients with allergic rhinitis or asthma who can help protect against Covid 19.

In this study, researchers observed a surprisingly low prevalence of COVID-19 in asthma and allergic rhinitis patients. Their study suggests that certain types of immune-responses, accumulation of eosinophils, reduced performance of ACE-2 receptors, impaired immune T2 and elevated histamine, immunoglobin E (IgE) serum levels and allergic diseases Or systemic steroid risk for patients with asthma. Potential features that have been found to be associated with lower severity of COVID-19. Therefore, the researchers stated that pollen bio-aerosols can cause pre-altered immune activation, which protects against the severity of COVID-19 infection or infection.

In fact, there is increasing evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can be spread by the spread of bioerosols from an infected person. Airborne (aerial) pollen SARS-CoV-2 can serve as an effective carrier for transport, dispersal, and its spread. This may be one of the possible reasons for the rapid spread of COVID-19. However, the complexity of coronaviruses with aspects of bioerosol transmission still needs further testing.

Keeping these concerns in mind, a team from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh and Panjab University, Chandigarh, examined the pollen bioaerosol, COVID-19, meteorological parameters and severity of allergic rhinitis and asthma. Anticipated risk reported.

Examined existing scientific evidence to better understand the relationship between. This team of researchers consists of PGIMER of the Department of Environment, Community Health of Chandigarh and Additional Professor of Environmental Health of the Department of Public Health, Dr. Ravindra Khaiwal, and Ms. Drs, Research Chair from the Department of Environment. Suman More is included. The President and Associate Professor of Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Dr. Khaiwal noted that spring brings beauty to the surroundings, but it is an important time of year for seasonal allergies and as plants shed pollen, millions of people start sneezing and sneezing due to polynosis (pollination) or allergic rhinitis. . . He stated that his study investigated the relationship between pollen bioerosols and the effect of meteorological parameters in a changing climate, including COVID-19.

Ms. Akshi said that pollen particles are important male biological structures for sexual reproduction produced by higher biological cells. They stated that their size varies between 2 µm – 300 µm (2 µm – 300 µm) and they themselves remain stable and are spread by agents such as wind, insects, birds and water.

Dr. Peacock stated that the main objective of the study was to investigate the aerial transmission of COVID-19 through pollen particles and to identify key gaps to restrict the spread of COVID-19. He further stated that this is the first global study based on airborne pollen and COVID-19 which aims to promote research towards a different approach to the control of infectious diseases.

Dr. of PGI Chandigarh Khaiwal stated that he not only investigated the direct relationship between pollen and COVID-19, but also focused on the biological and physical aspects of pollen-virus attachment, their viability and long-distance transport as it is COVID. Broadcast of -19 may be affected. Dr. of Punjab University, Chandigarh. Peacock further stated that this study focuses on exploring every possibility of providing additional protection layers to overcome infectious diseases such as future corona.

The study has recently been accepted by Alevier in a prestigious, peer-reviewed, international journal, Sustainable Cities and Society. As one of the experts has highlighted, this successful contribution will increase understanding of the effect of airborne pollen on the outbreak of COVID-19 and reduce the infection and severity of COVID-19 and similar infectious diseases. Further research will be done. But will open doors to new ideas.