Donald Trump acquitted by 57–43 votes in the second impeachment trial

Donald Trump was acquitted of inciting an attack on the US Capitol in his second impeachment trial in a year, ending a historic impeachment trial that spared him the first conviction of the current or former US president. The Senate vote of 57–43 was reduced by a two-thirds majority to convict Trump of inciting the rebellion.

On Saturday, the Senate voted 57–43, convicted of inciting former President Donald Trump to rebel, ending his second impeachment trial in an acquittal because a conviction was needed to support 67 senators.

50-50 with the Senate and only six Republican senators voted on Tuesday, to investors expected to be acquitted of the president after the trial. But the proceedings show that Trump still has a hold on the Republican Party, which aims to take control of the House and Senate in next year’s elections and win back the White House in 2024.

Seven GOP senators who joined the Chamber with 50 Democrats and Independents to vote “guilty”, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Nebraska Kay Ben Sasse, and Pennsylvania Pat Tommy were.

Trump faced charges of inciting a rebellion following the January 6 uproar of the Capitol by his supporters, who were seeking to disrupt congressional certification of their losses in the presidential election. The Democratic-led House approved the charge last month, with 10 Republicans in that chamber supporting the second impeachment of the former president.

During last week’s trial in the Senate, House managers acting as prosecutors compared Trump to a rogue fire chief who asks a mob to start a fire, then watches with “glee” As the explosion spreads. He featured an extensive video of the siege of the Capitol and Trump’s January 6 speech.

Prominent House Manager, Democratic Rep. Jamie Ruskin of Maryland told senators Saturday how future generations would see their votes about acquitting Trump or convicting him.

“It’s almost certainly how you’ll be remembered by history,” Ruskin said Saturday afternoon during his side’s closing argument. “Our reputation and our heritage is what we do here and how you exercise your oath to do fair justice – fair justice.

One of Trump’s defense attorneys, Michael van der Veen, told the Senate not to “seek impeachment” as he gave his closing arguments.

“It is time to end the unconstitutional political theater. It is time to allow our nation to move forward. It is time to address the real business that is suppressing this nation, ”van der Veen said.

In the past week, Trump’s defense lawyers argued that the former president was not responsible for the January 6 attack and blasted the proceedings as a “constitutional cancellation culture.”