For the first time, sewage samples taken from the Indian city of Chandigarh have tested positive for COVID. The ongoing pandemic has engulfed the whole world with a big shock.
After humans, cases of covid have been found in various animals as well. However, the testing of sewage samples positive for Covid is another shocking development.
Sewage samples are processed differently from human samples
A Tribune India report said the samples were being tested as ordered by the WHO-ICMR Center for “Environmental Monitoring for COVID-19”.
He was tested by the Department of Virology, PGI. Testing of samples from wastewater treatment plants began in the month of December in the Indian cities of Chandigarh and Amritsar.
Previously, similar technology has been used to monitor polio as the virus is excreted in human feces, just like the coronavirus. This method is used as a major tool in the determination of virus transmission. Accordingly, measures can be taken to contain the spread of the virus in that area.
One liter of sewage sample is concentrated to 2-3 ml for two to three days to improve the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Then, the nucleic acid is extracted and purified. In this way the virus is isolated from the sewage mixture. The sample is tested on an RT-PCR machine to detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The WHO says that the detection of RNA in wastewater means that one or more people in the community have excreted the virus through faeces.