Former Janata Dal (United) leader Ajay Alok is set to join the Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday. According to the information, Ajay Alok will join the saffron party at 11:30 am today.
In June 2022, the JD(U) expelled its spokesperson Ajay Alok from the primary membership of the party.
Besides Ajay Alok, the JD(U) also suspended state general secretaries Anil Kumar and Vipin Kumar Yadav from primary membership.
Bihar JDU chief Umesh Singh Kushwaha said, “Party state general secretaries Anil Kumar and Vipin Yadav and spokesperson Ajay Alok are relieved of their posts and suspended from the primary membership of the party.” Party leader Jitendra Neeraj is also suspended from the primary membership of the party.
Kushwaha had said, “This decision has been taken to strengthen the party and maintain discipline in the party.”
According to the JD(U) statement, the leaders were expelled due to anti-party activities.