GoAir said on Saturday 9 January that he had sacked a senior pilot for posting a derogatory tweet against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The airline company said in a statement that the employee stripped the company’s social media policy.
“GoAir has a zero-tolerance policy and it is mandatory for all GoAir employees to follow the company’s employment rules, regulations and policies, including social media behavior. The airline does not attach itself to personal views expressed by any person or employee. GoAir has terminated the captain’s services with immediate effect.
The action follows a tweet made by the pilot which reads: “PM is a silly person. You can say the same to me in return. It’s fine. I don’t mind Bcoz I’m not PM. But PM is a are stupid. Period. ” The tweet was posted on Thursday.
He later deleted the post and issued an apology. “I apologize for my tweets about PM, other objectionable tweets that may hurt the feelings of anyone concerned. I point out that GoAir is not directly or indirectly linked to any of my tweets because they were personal views, ”he posted.