The kidney produces urine by filtering the blood from nitrogenous wastes such as urea, creatinine, toxins and acids. Millions of people suffer from various types of kidney disease, yet most of them are completely unaware of it. This is why kidney disease is commonly known as the “silent killer” because most patients do not notice any symptoms until the disease progresses.
People often get their blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels checked, but neglect to have a basic blood creatinine test to rule out any unexplained kidney problems.
There are many warning symptoms of kidney disease, however, they are often neglected or misdiagnosed with other disorders. Check out some of the primary symptoms to rule out the disease.
Muscle cramps
Cramps in the legs and elsewhere could indicate a problem with your kidneys. An imbalance in potassium, sodium, calcium or other electrolytes can impair the function of your muscles, nerves, and peripheral system.
Foggy mind
If your kidneys don’t filter all the waste out of your system, toxins can affect your brain. Anemia can also deprive your brain of essential oxygen. You may feel dizzy and have difficulty concentrating and remembering things. You may even feel so confused that it is difficult for you to remember simple things.
Kidneys that are in good health perform a variety of important functions. They also act to maintain the proper balance of minerals in your blood. Dry and itchy skin can indicate a mineral and nutritional imbalance in your blood due to kidney disease. Itching is often caused by increased levels of phosphorus in the blood.
Swollen feet and ankles
Fluid builds up in your body when your kidneys are unable to eliminate salt effectively. This can result in swollen hands, feet, ankles, legs or even a puffy face. You may experience swelling, especially in your feet and ankles. Protein released from your urine can also cause swelling around your eyes.
Poor appetite and bad breath
Kidney disease can cause nausea and vomiting, as well as upset stomach. This may reduce your desire to eat. This can sometimes result in weight loss. Uremia is a disorder that occurs when your kidneys are unable to filter waste. This can cause bad breath in your mouth. The toxins in your system can also give food a metallic or unpleasant taste.
Change in urination pattern
Healthy kidneys help filter the blood to produce urine. When the kidneys are not working properly, you may experience urinary problems, such as the need to urinate more often or even blood in the urine. You may also notice foamy or bubbly urine, which can be an early sign that protein is passing into your urine as a result of a damaged kidney.