New Delhi: The Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi was arrested by the CBI on Sunday after several hours of questioning in the Excise Policy scam. Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia joined the investigation at around 11.10 am and was questioned for several hours by a team of elite CBI officers.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi was left in a lurch when Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was arrested after eight hours of questioning by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the Delhi liquor scam case.
Manish Sisodia was arrested by the CBI in connection with reports of alleged corruption and bribery linked to the liquor excise policy launched in the national capital in 2021. Meanwhile, AAP leaders and party workers have claimed that the allegations against Sisodia are false, and part of a conspiracy by the Center and the BJP.
However, both Manish Sisodia and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal predicted that the AAP leader would go to jail for seven to eight months in connection with the Delhi liquor scam, alleging that the BJP had hatched a conspiracy against the Delhi government.
Before joining the investigation, he went to Rajghat along with other party leaders, Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bhardwaj, to perform puja. Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said he would “cooperate fully” with the CBI.
Manish Sisodia started his career as a journalist and was associated with Zee News and All India Radio.
Sisodia was a social worker before joining politics. He was associated with Parivartan NGO, which worked towards improving the lives of common people in Delhi.
Sisodia was one of the key members of the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement led by Anna Hazare in 2011, which eventually led to the formation of the Aam Aadmi Party.
He is known for his simplicity and austere lifestyle. He is often seen wearing a simple cotton kurta and a pair of jeans.
Sisodia is a strong supporter of the Right to Information (RTI) Act and has been involved in several campaigns to promote transparency in governance.
He is a prolific writer and has written several books including ‘Shiksha: My Experiments as an Education Minister’ and ‘Swaraj’.
Sisodia is a trained Indian classical singer and has performed in various music festivals.
He is a vegetarian and has been associated with various animal rights organizations.
Sisodia is known for his proficiency in Hindi language and has given many speeches in this language.
He is a strong advocate of decentralized governance and has been involved in various initiatives to empower local communities.