Aswasthama still comes to worship this Shivling established by Dronacharya

The mention of the Aranya forest comes in the Mahabharata period of the Dwapar era, where Dronacharya, the guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas, lived. Here a Shivalinga was established by Guru Dronacharya. It was here that Dronacharya used to give knowledge of the secret weapons of his immortal son Aswasthama.

This place is located in the rural area of ​​Kanpur, Banka Chhatarpur, Shivrajpur in Uttar Pradesh by the name of Baba Khereshwar Dham. It is said that even today Amar Aswasthama comes here to worship Shiva regularly.

Guru Dronacharya had given many divine weapons like Brahmastra and Shabbhedi Vana to his disciples here. This place is on the banks of the Ganges. The ancient legend has it that after killing the five sons of Draupadi, Aswasthama used to shout like a murderer in front of this Shivling.

Then Khereshwar Baba blessed him to be in Samadhi and also said that you will get your place in the Saptarishi Mandal.

Wild flowers are found on Shivling in the morning

This place is located in the rural area of ​​Kanpur, Banka Chhatarpur, Shivrajpur in Uttar Pradesh by the name of Baba Khereshwar Dham. It is said that even today Amar Aswasthama comes here to worship Shiva regularly.

The priests here have been serving Baba Khereshwar from generation to generation. According to the ancestors of the priests, wild flowers and water have been received on the Shivling here in the morning. Whereas after bathing and cleaning the Shivling every night, the doors of the temple are closed.

When the doors of the temple are opened here in the morning, worship is done. Everyone believes that Aswasthama still comes here everyday to worship.

Cow’s milk used to fall here on its own

Today no one has so many divine eyes which can get the darshan of Aswasthama. Ashwathama was last seen by Prithviraj Chauhan. This Shivling was discovered 500 years ago from now.

There is a famous story of this that there was a cowherd of Yadav dynasty who had a Shyama cow, this cow was of such a high quality that it gave milk without giving children. The cowherd used to leave the cow to graze in the morning and when she came back in the evening, her udder was empty, due to which the cowherd used to be very upset.

One day he decided to chase the cow. On this he followed her for several days and found a special thing that Shyama cow used to drop milk at the same place in the same bush. Out of curiosity, the cowherd dug the land and found this Shivling.

At the same time, Bihari Lal Seth, a wealthy man from Lucknow, had a dream to build a temple of Shivling established by Dronacharya. On this he got this temple constructed with a secret donation.

Although there is no authentic mention of this thing, but it is a common discussion among the priests and local residents here. Since it was ruled by the Mughals at that time, this temple has a glimpse of the architecture of the Mughal period.

King Nanarao Peshwa of Bithoor also used to worship Shivopasana here. Prithviraj Chauhan had done severe penance for Shivaji at this place for years. One day, at the time of Shivopasana, Prithviraj Chauhan had a vision of Aswasthama by the infinite grace of Baba Khereshwar. Prithviraj Chauhan, seeing the huge form and brilliance of Aswasthama, came to know that he is not an ordinary human.

Prithviraj Chauhan had understood on the strength of his worship that his age is several thousand years. It is said that Aswasthama, being pleased with the worship of Prithviraj Chauhan, gave him a word-of-word arrow. After Prithviraj Chauhan, no one could know how to shoot a slang arrow.

Seeing the future of Prithviraj, Aswasthama gave him this method, due to which Prithviraj created a miraculous history of taking vengeance.

“Four bass twenty four yards, Angul Ashta magnitude
There is a sultan above, don’t miss Chauhan.”

When Mohammad Ghori took out Prithviraj Chauhan’s eyes, after listening to the said dialogue, Prithviraj Chauhan killed Ghori using the piercing arrow given by Aswasthama.

The glory of Khereshwar Baba is limitless. Seeing the fulfillment of their wishes here, the devotees keep getting benefited. Khereshwar Baba’s Argha is 4 by 4 feet in copper and two nagmanis are set in silver. This Shivling is a 6-inch round of black color. There is also a lake nearby, which is known as Gandharva Sarovar.