Here’s why Gudhal is a significant medicinal plant in Ayurveda and is known for curing many ailments

We all revert to Ayurveda for all minor inconveniences. Ayurveda is known for curing all ailments with no severe side effects. One of the essential Ayurveda ingredients is hibiscus. Hibiscus has antioxidants like anthocyanins that help in reducing the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Along with it, it also helps in preventing a variety of chronic illnesses.

Here’s why Gudhal is a medicinal plant in Ayurveda and is known for curing many ailments

The flower of Gudhal is also called the flower of Arhul. Though the hibiscus flower is used for worship it is also known very useful flower in Ayurved for curing many ailments.

In Ayurveda, hibiscus flower has been described as very good medicine. According to Patanjali, the problem of hair falls Arhul helps to regrowth of hair. It is used for the treatment of many serious diseases.

What is hibiscus?
The flowers of the hibiscus are bell-shaped. It is planted in gardens, houses, and temples. The flower of hibiscus is single, double, triple, red, white or white, red, purple, yellow, orange etc. There are many colors. Its saffron is coming out. White, and white and red-colored hibiscus flower is very beneficial.

Names of Gudhal in other languages
The botanical name of hibiscus rosa-Sinensis is Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis Linn., Syn-Hibiscus festalis Salisb., and it belongs to the Malvaceae family. Other names of hibiscus are:

  • English – Jawa, Odrhul, Adhaul, Gudhal, Jawakusum, Adhul
  • English – Shoe Flower, Rose Mallow, Rose of China, Garden Hibiscus, China Rose
  • Sanskrit – Audraphool, Japa, Arun, Pratika, Arkapriya, Harivallabh, Trisandhya
  • Kannada – Dasanige, Dasavala
  • Gujarati – Jasud, Jasuwa
  • Telugu – Dasani, Dasanmu
  • Tamil – Sembarutty, Sevaratti
  • Bengali – Oru, Juba
  • Nepali – japa kusum, hibiscus
  • Marathi – Jaswand, Jaswandi
  • Malayalam – Chemparatti
  • Arabic – Anghar Hindi

Benefits of hibiscus

The benefits of the hibiscus flowers are many. The medicinal uses of hibiscus, the quantity, and methods of use are as follows:

Benefits of hibiscus in hair growth

  • Make a pulp by grinding hibiscus leaves. Apply it on the hair. Wash and clean the hair after two hours. By doing this experiment regularly, the hair gets nourishment, and the head also remains cool.
  • Mix equal quantity of olive oil in the juice of fresh flowers of hibiscus and cook it in the fire. When only oil remains, keep it in a vial. Rubbing it into the hair daily and applying it till the roots makes the hair shiny and long.
  • Grind the flower of Arhul and Bhringraj flower in sheep’s milk and keep it in an iron vessel. After seven days, take it out and mix it in the juice of Bhringraj’s Panchang. Washing the hair with this makes the hair black.
  • Applying a paste made of Loha Bhasma, Amla powder and Japa flower on the head keeps the hair black for a long time.

Benefits of hibiscus in the problem of dandruff

You can also take the benefits of hibiscus to get rid of the problem of dandruff. Mix an equal quantity of sesame oil in the juice of the hibiscus flower. boil it. When the oil remains, take it off and sieve it. Fill it in the vial. Dandruff ends by applying this oil.

Benefits of hibiscus in the problem of baldness

Grinding hibiscus flowers to apply it to the head increases hair.

Benefits of hibiscus in the problem of sleeplessness

Take 100 hibiscus flowers. Break off the green stalk and soak the petals in lemon juice. Keep it in a glass vessel in an open place overnight. Sieve it in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar candy or sugar, and 1 bottle of good rose water to it. Put it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. In the meantime, keep shaking the bottle. When sugar candy dissolves well, it becomes syrup. Drinking it in the amount of 15 to 40 ml is beneficial in the problem of sleeplessness.

Benefits of hibiscus in the treatment of leucorrhoea

  • Grind ten to twelve Japa flower buds in milk and give it to the woman. Along with this, use milk in food. This cures leucorrhoea.
  • Fry 4-5 buds of Adhul in ghee. Eat sugar candy for seven days in the morning and drink cow’s milk. It is beneficial in leucorrhoea.
  • Soak the Adhul Panchang in water overnight. Sieve it in the morning. Mixing sugar candy in it and drinking it is beneficial in leucorrhoea.

Medicinal properties of hibiscus beneficial in gonorrhea

Grind 11 leaves of hibiscus in clean water and filter it. Add 8 grams of yavakshara and 25 grams of sugar candy to it.