How to keep fit yourself during during Navratri fast

Navratri has started. In such a situation, people take a hard 9-day fast to get the blessings of the Mother Goddess. But, there is always doubt in their mind that what should be eaten during the fast so that energy is provided for the devotion of Mother Goddess throughout the day. In such a situation, different types of food items are available in the market nowadays and many types of dishes can be made at home too. In Navratri, devotees should fast according to their body. Therefore, if you cannot fast for 9 days, you can keep the first and last Navratri fast. But whatever the fast is, it is also important to take care. Today, we are telling you how to take precautions during the fast, so that you get strength in the fast and your purpose will also be fulfilled.

Take fiber-rich food for energy
Always eat fiber-rich food during the fast. During fasting, you should always eat food that is full of fiber and is easily digested. By doing this you will get energy for a long time and you will feel good. In the fast food, you should include Kuttu flour, Singhada, Sago Kheer or Khichdi and Potato etc.

Whenever you keep fast, get sleep. Because our body is going through detox during the fast, we need rest. Therefore, you must have 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. Also, you can do yoga and light exercise to completely detoxify your body.

If you keep fast in Navratri, then you have to avoid dehydration. Do not let the amount of liquid in your body decrease during the fast. So drink plenty of water and you can also take other types of liquid. Apart from water, you can also take coconut water, milk, lassi and fresh fruit juice which will not only save you from fatigue but also keep you away from diseases.

During fasting, hunger is felt. This causes people to overeat, which can be harmful to the body. So think once before eating more. Over-eating during fasting can affect your digestive system. Therefore, you should stay away from smooth and fried food and use fresh fruits and vegetables in food.

During the fast, there is a desire to eat snacks with fruit, but for this, do not eat potato chips made by the market. For this, you can roast Makhane and Peanuts at home and you can use it whenever you want to eat snacks. Makhana is a good source of vitamin D.

There is a strong desire to eat sweets during the fast. Many varieties of sweets are available for fasting in the market. All these packed snacks use processed sugar and refined, which can spoil your health. Therefore, if you wish to eat something sweet during the fast, you can use home-made sweets. For this you can make ghee barfi at home, which will be delicious to eat and also good for health.

Keep these things in mind:
Eat only homemade food
Take water and other types of liquid continuously
Use dairy products during fasting
Include seasonal fruits in your diet
Instead of drinking more water together, keep drinking water at short intervals
Use things made with water chestnut and buckwheat flour
Drink lemon and honey mixed with water, this will help to control hunger.

Also read in Hindi: जनिये! नवरात्र में व्रत के दौरान कैसे रखें अपने को फिट