India Raises Concern After UK Allows ‘Khalistan’ Referendum in London

India expresses concern after Britain allows ‘Khalistan’ referendum in London

India has conveyed its serious concerns to Britain for allowing the banned pro-Khalistan outfit Sikhs for Justice to hold a referendum on the secession of Punjab on October 31. The referendum held in London a few weeks ago turned out to be a moist satire. Because it was attended by more than 2,000 people.

National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has made it clear to his UK counterpart Stephen Lovegrove that the Indian government strongly opposes allowing a plebiscite on the affairs of a third country by arming a small section of the Indian diaspora in the UK. A Times report said. , The UK was apprised of the Indian position during the bilateral strategic talks in London on 3 November.

The report said that the Indian government has expressed its serious concern that the UK government is turning a blind eye to the open radicalization of Indian diaspora by Sikh banned groups to promote their separatist agenda. It said Sikh fundamentalists are protesting over agricultural laws and participating in anti-India activities under the influence and support of Pakistan’s deep-seated state in Britain.

Sikhs for Justice is a banned organization in India since 2019 and its leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannu has been declared a terrorist. During the referendum, organizers pressed service buses to bring people from different parts of the UK, but could not bring in large numbers.

Despite the organization’s ban, the UK allowed the US-based extremist organization to hold an illegal plebiscite on the Indian state.

However, European countries with whom India has very close ties including France, Spain and the Netherlands, bilateral ties with the UK have derailed as London faces an adversary against New Delhi when it comes to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Khalistan. plays a role. Issue’.

The report said that the role of Britain in tacitly supporting Pakistan on issues such as the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019 has been noted with concern by the Modi government.