Mumbai: Pleasing his fans, the iconic actor Kabir Bedi has today launched the book cover of his upcoming autobiography ‘Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life of the Actor’ by Westland Publications (an Amazon company) on 19 April 2021 Will be published.
This book cover has been released by Bollywood’s heartthrob Salman Khan on the Facebook platform of a leading magazine.
Talking about his book cover, the international star, known for his baritone voice, told everyone there the story of Terry O’Neill, the photographer for Elton John who in the early 70s His photo was taken, which was made for an iconic book cover.
In his conversation with Salman, Kabir narrates many fascinating stories that he has written in the book. One of the most memorable stories is his interview with The Beatles, which was a turning point in his career, which led him to step out of the career of All India Radio into advertising then theater and finally cinema. . He also remembered his parents who were notable spiritual persons.
When his book was referred to as a cinematic, evergreen star, it was expected that his book would be adapted for the screen or for an amazing series. The actor talked about his journey in film, television and theater as well as that he has faced many ups and downs in life. Kabir Bedi also told Salman Khan many stories related to Hollywood and his epic series Sandokan.
Wishing Kabir Bedi for his upcoming book, Salman Khan said, “Your personality as a star and human being is pure, so whatever is in this book will be directly from your heart. It will be a beautiful book and I want many people to learn from the experiences you shared. “
At the cover launch of his book, one Kabir Bedi said, “Being GQ and unveiling the cover of my book by Salman Khan is indeed a very special moment for me. GQ represents the best style. And Salman is someone who has a heart of gold and who is a good friend of mine. My book is the story of a middle-class boy from Delhi who becomes an international star. It is also about the successes that I have seen, the emotional sorrows I have endured, how I went through all of this and in the end I got it all. “
“Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life of the Actor” is about the ups and downs of Kabir Bedi’s professional and personal life, her broken relationship including marriage and divorce, why her faith changed, her horrific setbacks and India, Europe And his exciting days in Hollywood and how he made India feel proud.
Kabir Bedi’s “Stories I Must Tell: The Emotional Life of the Actor” will be published on April 19, 2021 at online and offline bookstores in India.