It is mentioned in many religious texts including Garuda Purana that if someone dies in Panchak, then five other people in his family also die with him. There are five types of Panchaka: Rog Panchaka, Raj Panchaka, Agni Panchaka, Mrityu Panchaka and Chor Panchaka.
It is mentioned in many religious texts including Garuda Purana that if someone dies in Panchak, then five other people in his family also die with him.
There are five types of Panchakas
Rog Panchak, Raj Panchak, Agni Panchak, Mrityu Panchak and Chor Panchak.
रोग पंचक, राज पंचक, अग्नि पंचक, मृत्यु पंचक और चोर पंचक।
It is clear from the name itself that what will happen in which Panchak. In this, the death quintet is related to death itself.
The scripture is:
Dhanisht-Panchakam Grame Shadbhisha-Kulpanchakam.
Poorvabhadrapada-rathya: Chotara Grihapanchakam.
Revathi grambahyam cha etat panchak-laksnam.’
धनिष्ठ-पंचकम ग्राम शद्भिषा-कुलपंचकम।
पूर्वाभाद्रपद-रथ: छोटा गृहपंचकम।
रेवती ग्रामभ्यं चा एतत पंचक-लक्षनाम।’
According to the Acharyas, there are five categories of these five constellations from Dhanishtha to Revathi respectively.
Grampanchak, Kulpanchak, Rathyapanchak, Grihapanchak and Grambahya Panchak.
It is believed that if there is a birth and death in Dhanishta, then there are five more births and deaths in that village and city. If it is in Shatabhisha, then in the same clan, if it is in Purva, then it is in the same locality, if it is in Uttara, then it is in the same house and in Revati, then in other village-town, birth of five children and death of five people is possible.
According to the belief, the birth of any one in a constellation leads to the birth of five children in the house etc. and the death of one person leads to the death of five people. There is no time to die. In such a situation, the death of five people is possible to some extent, but Uttara Bhadrapada has been considered as Grihapanchak and the question is whether five women of a house will be pregnant, then only five children are possible.
In Panchak, there is an indicator of birth and death and five. Birth is happiness and the so-called results of these constellations divided into houses etc. are going to happen in five households, so it is clear that different types of happiness can come there. If we look at the meaning of five deaths, then there may be disease, suffering, sorrow etc. in five households. Cause pain, sorrow, fear, shame, disease, grief, humiliation and death are the eight distinctions of death. This means that it is not necessary that five should die, five may have some kind of disease, grief or suffering.
What is Panchaka?
The sky is divided into 27 constellations. In these 27 constellations, the combination of the last five constellations – Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revathi constellations is called Panchak. The combination of these five constellations is inauspicious. According to ‘Muhurta Chintamani’, if someone dies in the combination of these constellations, other members of the family have to suffer death or death.
Under astrology, the constellations of the Moon of Aquarius and Pisces, that is, the latter part of Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati – these five constellations are called Panchaka. Panchak is formed by Mars, the lord of Dhanishta, Rahu, the lord of Shatabhisha, Jupiter of Purvabhadrapada, Saturn of Uttarabhadrapada and Mercury, the lord of Revati. Panchak which starts on Saturday is the most deadly. This is called the death quintet.
Remedy for Panchaka
Pretsya daham yamadiggamam tyajeta shayya-vitanam griha-gopanadi ch.+’-(Muhurta-Chintamani)
Remedies are also suggested in Garuda Purana for the peace of the person who dies in Panchak. According to the Garuda Purana, before performing the last rites of the dead body in Panchak, one must take the advice of a qualified scholar. If this work is done according to the law, then the crisis is averted. In fact, as per the instructions of Pandit ji, five effigies made of flour, gram flour or Kush (dry grass) along with the dead body are put on the earth and these five are also cremated with complete rituals like dead bodies. By doing this, Panchak dosha gets eliminated.
Secondly, according to Garuda Purana, if someone dies in Panchak, then some precautions should be taken in it. First of all, cremation can be done in the middle of the constellation by offering sacrifices from the mantra of the respective constellation. The sacrifices made according to the rules give virtuous results. Also, if possible the cremation is done in the place of pilgrimage, then the best speed is obtained.
Similarly, the same misfortune is found in Tripushkar and Bharani constellation.
The souls of Dhanishtapancha, if Kanchan.
Tripushkare Yamyabhe va Kuljanmarayeddhruvam.
Tatranishtavinashanartha Vidhanam Samudiryate.
Darbhanam Pratimakarya: Panchornasutra Vishita:!!
Yavapistenanuliptastabhi: saha savandahet.
Pretavaah: Pretsakh: Pretap: Pretbhoomi:!.
Phantom Harta Panchamastu Namanyatanich Kramata.
Sutakante tatah son: kuryachhantik nutritiousm.
धनिष्ठापञ्चके जीवोमृतोयदि काञ्चन।
त्रिपुष्करे याम्यभे वा कुलजान्मारयेद्ध्रुवम्।।
तत्रानिष्टविनाशनार्थं विधानं समुदीर्यते।
दर्भाणां प्रतिमाकार्या:पञ्चोर्णासूत्र वेष्टिता:!!
यवपिष्टेनानुलिप्तास्ताभि :सह शवंदहेत्।
प्रेत हर्ता पञ्चमस्तु नामान्येतानिच क्रमाता।
सूतकान्ते तत: पुत्र:कुर्याच्छान्तिक पौष्टिकम्।।
In such a situation, for the prevention of evil, make five statues (effigies) of Kushas, engraved with a formula and coated with barley flour, and cremate the dead body with those effigies. The names of the effigies are as follows:-
Pretvaah, Pretsakha, Pretap, Pretbhumip and Pretahta.
Puttladah’s resolution
Adya-purchatritguna adjectives specialties auspiciousness tithou-etc-sharmah/varmaham-gotrasya/gotraya:pretsyapretaaya:dhanishtadipanchakjanithavanishtparihartham panchakavidhi karishye.
After this worship the five effigies.
Puttal Poojan- Pretvahay Namah, Pretsakhay Namah, Pretpay Namah, Pretbhoomipay Namah, Pret Hartre Namah.
After worship, offer ghee on the head of the first effigy, on the eyes of the second, on the left corpus of the third, on the navel of the fourth, and on the feet of the fifth effigy with the following mantras- Pretvahay Swaha, Pretsakhay Swaha, Pretpaay Swaha, Pretbhoomipay Swaha And prethartre swaha. After this, cremate the dead body.
Special: According to Niyanasindhu and Dharmasindhu, if death has taken place before Panchak and cremation is to be done in Panchak, then there is no need for peace if effigies are to be arranged. On the contrary, if death has occurred somewhere in Panchak and Daha has occurred after Panchak, then do Shanti Karma and if both death and burning in Panchak occur in Panchak, then do both Puttal Dah and Shanti. as-
Nakshatraantare Mrityasya Panchke Daahpratau Puttalavirev na Shantikam!
Panchakamritsyashvinyam Dah Pratau Shantikameva na Puttalavidhi:!.
Prohibited work in Panchaka
‘Agni-chaurabhayam rogo rajpeeda dhanakshati’.
Sangere Trina-Kashthanam Krite Vaswadi-Panchke.’ – Muhurta-Chintamani
Meaning: Agnibhaya, Chorbhaya, Disease fear, Rajbhaya and loss of money are possible due to the collection of straws and wood in Panchak.
Dhanishtha Panchakam tyajyyam trinakasthadisamgrahe.
Tyajya Dakshinadigyatra Grihanam Chhadanam and.
नक्षत्रान्तरे मृतस्य पंचके दाहप्राप्तौ पुत्तलविधिरेव न शांतिकम्!
पंचकमृतस्याश्विन्यां दाह प्राप्तौ शांतिकमेव न पुत्तलविधि:!।
पंचक (Panchaka) में वर्जित कार्य
‘अग्नि-चौरभयं रोगो राजपीडा धनक्षतिः।
संग्रहे तृण-काष्ठानां कृते वस्वादि-पंचके।।’ -मुहूर्त-चिंतामणि
अर्थात:- पंचक में तिनकों और काष्ठों के संग्रह से अग्निभय, चोरभय, रोगभय, राजभय एवं धनहानि संभव है।
धनिष्ठा पंचकं त्याज्यं तृणकाष्ठादिसंग्रहे।
त्याज्या दक्षिणदिग्यात्रा गृहाणां छादनं तथा।।
In the scriptures, traveling in the south direction at the time of Panchak, buying or getting wooden items made, weaving cots, casting the roof of the house, installing moonlight, getting the house painted (painting) etc. has been said to be taboo. By doing the above work, there is loss of money and there is trouble in the house or any kind of crisis can arise.