Leaky gut syndrome weakens the intestinal walls, allows bacteria and toxins to enter the bloodstream

The colon is the longest part of the intestines, and the last part of the digestive system. Its function is to reabsorb fluids and process waste products from the body and prepare them for elimination.

One of the new scientific discoveries is a link between the gut (stomach, small intestine and colon) and the liver, the so-called gut liver axis, which refers to the relationship between the gut, its microbiota (bacterial environment) and the liver. liver.

There is a flow between the intestine and the liver, this makes sense because substances absorbed from the intestine go directly to the liver by the portal blood vessel. This includes not only digested foods and drinks, but also various toxins released from the intestine. The concepts of leaky gut (leaky gut syndrome) and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO) are strongly linked to this gut liver axis.

There are more cells in terms of microorganisms in the colon than there are cells within the human body. Microorganisms include approximately 100 trillion microorganisms of 200 species of bacteria, the majority of which are anaerobic forms. In addition, calan contains viruses and fungi. At birth, the gut is sterile, and during the baby’s journey along the mother’s birth canal, the baby begins to come into contact with these microbes. Mother’s milk, and later solid foods after birth, become the main sources of these essential microorganisms.

The composition of these microbes is unique to each individual and remains the same throughout life, except in cases where external factors change their composition, such as antibiotics, chemotherapy agents, stress, diet, aging, and various conditions. Contact with. We call this unique pattern of bacteria our ‘microbial fingerprint’. Another factor that plays a role in the composition of these gut microbiota is the immune system. There is a two-way communication between the immune system and these gut organisms. The immune system helps shape the composition of our microbiota, and the gut microbiota regulates the immune system. As you recall, approximately 80% of the immune system is located within the walls of the gut.

Extensive studies have shown that gut microbiota play an important role in many diseases such as type 1 and 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and chronic liver disease.

Normally, the cells lining the intestine are located very close to each other (called tight junctions), to prevent purulent digested substances and bacteria within the intestine from passing into the bloodstream, where They may cause immune responses or direct toxic effects.

In leaky gut syndrome, the tight junctions of these intestines break down, allowing incompletely digested food particles and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Within the bloodstream, these unwanted visitors are attacked by the immune system. Additionally, these microorganisms are also transported directly to the liver where they can react with the liver’s innate immune system including Kupffer cells and stellate cells.

When these liver immune cells remain active for a long time, they can secrete inflammatory cytokines and other substances that can damage liver cells (hepatocytes).