Magha Purnima: Maghi Poornima’s auspicious time, significance, and story of Satyanarayana

The full moon night / lunar night or full moon falls in the month of Magha which is known as Magha Purnima. This time, the auspicious festival of Magha Purnima will be celebrated on Saturday i.e. 27 February 2021. According to the Gregorian calendar, Magha Purnima falls in January or February. On this day, devotees keep a day’s fast and they break the fast after seeing the moon. Devotees also worship the moon on this day.

The auspicious date of Magha Purnima 2021
The auspicious date of Magha Purnima will begin on February 26 at 3.49 pm and will end on February 27, 2021, at 1.26 pm.

Importance of Magha Purnima
On the auspicious day of Magha Purnima, devotees should bathe before sunrise. It is also believed that if devotees take a dip in the holy Ganges river on this day, they get rid of their sins. Devotees visit pilgrimage sites like Haridwar, Prayagraj on this day to take a dip in the holy river. According to Indian mythology, it is believed that Lord Vishnu himself is present in the Ganges river on this day, and those who take a dip in the holy river on this special day can get rid of all troubles. This time, Magha Purnima is even more auspicious as the Maha Kumbh Mela is being celebrated in Haridwar, and devotees offer their prayers to Lord Vishnu and the river Ganga.

On the full moon day, the devotees keep a fast and worship and listen to the story of Lord Satyanarayana. According to mythological beliefs, fasting Maghi Purnima and listening to the story of Lord Satyanarayana brings happiness, wealth and opulence. Come, let’s read the story of Satyanarayan God in Maghi Purnima fast …

Satyanarayan fast story
According to the legend, it is a matter of ancient times, once the Vishnu devotee Narada, while traveling, saw the mortals of the mortal being troubled by various sufferings according to their deeds. With this, his saintly heart was moved and while playing the harp, he reached Kshirsagar while performing Hari Kirtan in the shelter of his supreme worshiper Lord Shrihari and said, “O Nath! If you are happy with me, then please give me a small way to overcome the agony of mortals.

”Then God said,“ O Watts! You have asked a very beautiful question about the spirit of world welfare. So, thank you. Today I tell you a fast that is rare even in heaven and is very virtuous and is going to cut off the bond of attachment and that is Srisatyanarayana fast. By doing this with the help of law, man attains worldly pleasures and attains salvation in the hereafter. ‘

After this, upon seeing a poor Brahmin of Kashipur city doing begging, Lord Vishnu himself goes to that poor Brahmin as an old Brahmin and says, ‘O Vipra! Lord Satyanarayana is going to give desired results to the Lord. You worship them fast, by doing this, the person is freed from all kinds of sorrows. Fasting also has its own importance in this fast, but not taking food only by fasting should not be understood. At the time of fasting, there should be a belief in the heart that today Lord Sri Satyanarayana is sitting with us. Therefore, the inside and outside should be maintained cleanly and worship the Lord with faith and faith and listen to their Mangalamayi Katha. ”This fast is considered more pious in the evening.

Sadhu Vaishya also heard the same incident from King Ulkamukh with law, but his faith was incomplete. There was a lack of reverence. He used to say that I will worship Satyavrat on the attainment of children. With the passage of time, a beautiful girl was born in his house. When his devoted wife reminded him of the fast, he said that he will do it at the time of marriage of the girl.

When the time came, the girl also got married, but that Vaishya did not fast. He went on business with his son-in-law. He was imprisoned by Raja Chandraketu along with his son-in-law on theft charges. Back home was also stolen. Wife Lilavati and daughter Kalavati became compelled to beggar.

One day Kalavati saw the worship of Sri Satyanarayana at the house of a Vipra and came home and told the mother. Then the mother fasted the next day with reverence and asked God for a boon for her husband and son-in-law to come back soon. Srihari was pleased and in a dream ordered the king to release the two prisoners.

The king sent them away by giving them money and abundant wealth. Coming home, he organized the full moon and solstice throughout the life of Satyavrat, and as a result, he attained salvation by enjoying worldly pleasures.

Similarly, King Tungadhwaj saw the gopganas in the forest worshiping Lord Sri Satyanarayana, but the Chur king neither went to the place of worship, nor did he worship from afar nor received the offerings given by the gopganas.

The girl was also married when the time came, but Vaishya did not fast. He went on business with his son-in-law. He was imprisoned by King Chandraketu along with his son-in-law on theft charges. The back house was also stolen. Wife Lilavati and daughter Kalavati were forced into beggars. One day Kalavati saw the worship of Sri Satyanarayana at a Vipra’s house and came home and told her mother. Mata then fasted the next day with reverence and asked God to bless her husband and son-in-law soon. Srihari was pleased and in a dream ordered the king to release both the prisoners. The king sent them away with money and abundant wealth. Coming home, he organized the full moon and solstice throughout the life of Satyavrata, and as a result, he attained salvation by enjoying worldly pleasures.

Similarly, King Tungadhwaj saw the gopganas in the forest worshiping Lord Sri Satyanarayana, but the Chur king neither went to the place of worship, nor did he worship from afar nor received the offerings given by the gopganas. The result was that the son of the king, money and grain, all of Ashwa-Gajadi were destroyed. The king suddenly realized that the cause of the disaster was Satyadev’s disrespect to God. He was very sorry. He immediately went to the forest. Calling the gopganas took a lot of time and worshiped Satyanarayana God. Then he received the prasad from them and came home. He saw that the calamity was averted and that all his property and people were safe. The king was filled with happiness and was abolished in the conduct of Satyavrat and offered his all to God.