New Delhi: A massive fire broke out in the Central Market of Lajpat Nagar on Saturday morning. Flames can be seen in a clothing showroom in the Central Market. First people tried to extinguish the fire, but the fire took a severe form, after which the fire department was informed. According to the fire department, the information about the fire was received around 10.30 am. More than 30 vehicles have been sent to the spot to douse the fire. Fire extinguishing work is going on.
Director of Delhi Fire Service Atul Garg told news agency ANI that 30 fire tenders reached the spot after receiving information about the fire. More than 100 firefighters worked to douse the fire. No casualties have been reported. The situation is now under control. Cooling operation continues.
A fire brigade official said that they had received information about a massive fire from Block-1 Central Market of Lajpat Nagar Market. There was a fire in a clothing showroom here. Further details are awaited.