Union Labor and Employment Minister Bhupendra Yadav said that by registering in e-shram, unorganized workers will be able to get the benefits of government schemes easily.
The Union Labor and Employment Minister said that over 4 crore workers have registered on the government’s e-Shram portal – India’s first national database on unorganized workers. The e-shram portal aims to allow unorganized workers, including migrant workers, to take advantage of various social security and employment-based schemes.
Workers in diverse occupations such as construction, apparel manufacturing, fishing, gig and platform work, street vending, domestic work, agriculture and allied, transport sectors have registered on the Labor Ministry portal.
According to ministry data, 4.09 crore employees have registered on the portal in two weeks. About 50.02% of these beneficiaries are females and 49.98% are males.
The states of Odisha, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh saw the highest number of registrations. However, the number of registered employees in smaller states and union territories (UTs) is much less. A statement from the ministry said the campaign needs to gain momentum in states and union territories such as Meghalaya, Manipur, Manipur, Goa and Chandigarh.
It is encouraging that an equal proportion of men and women have been a part of this campaign. There has been weekly improvement in registration based on gender, with male and female workers registering in comparable proportion,” it further added.
Given the huge amount of these two sectors in job creation in India, the largest number of registered workers are from agriculture and construction. In addition, workers of diverse and varied occupations such as domestic and domestic workers, garment sector workers, automobile and transport sector workers, electronics and hard ware workers, capital goods workers, education, health care, retail, tourism and hospitality, food industries is near. registered on this portal.
About 65.68% of these registered workers are in the age group of 16-40 years and 34.32% are in the age group of 40 years and above. The social composition of these workers includes other backward classes (OBC) and general castes, with about 43% and 27% from these categories and 23% and 7% from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, respectively.