Leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal recently visited Dubai with his wife Dhanashree Verma. The newly married couple are spending a great time on their honeymoon and actively updating their social media feeds with their romantic diaries. Yuzvendra was seen with former India captain MS Dhoni who is in Dubai with his family . MS Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni invited the recently married couple to dinner.
The photos, which were found on the official Instagram page of Yuzvendra and Dhanashree, were widely circulated on social media platforms. Earlier today, the wrist spinner posted pictures of himself with MS Dhoni. Other photographs have the couple – MS Dhoni, Sakshi Singh Dhoni, Yuzvendra Chahal and Dhanashree Verma smiling for the camera.
Along with the photographs, the bowler wrote, “Extremely happy and blessed.”.