No relation between 5G technology and spread of Covid-19 infection: DOT

New Delhi: It has come to the notice of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) of the Ministry of Communications that such misleading messages are running on various social media platforms claiming that the second wave of Corona virus is the reason for 5G mobile towers.

According to a statement issued by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), all such messages are misleading and untrue and not true at all. It is informed through this press statement that there is no correlation between the spread of 5G technology and the Covid-19 transition. It is requested to the general public that they should not be confused with the false and misinformation and rumors being spread in this regard.

The claims linking 5G technology to the Covid-19 global epidemic are misleading and have no scientific basis. Also, it is also reported that 5G network has not started anywhere in India yet. Therefore, it is wrong to claim that the corona virus spread in India due to the testing of 5G or its network.

Non-ionizing radio waves of very small capacity are emitted from mobile towers and they are incapable of doing any harm to any organism including humans. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) standards set by the Department of Telecommunications for the extent of exposure arising from the radio frequency (ie base station emissions). – are 10 times more stringent than safety limits set by the ICNIRP and approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Steps taken by Department of Telecommunications (DoT):

DOT has a well-structured system so that all TSPs can strictly adhere to these prescribed standards. However, if a citizen fears that a mobile tower is emitting radio waves in excess of the safe standards set by the department, for EMF measurement / testing on the Wavelength Communications Portal of Written request may be made.

The Department of Telecommunications is taking a number of steps towards bringing awareness about EMF radiation to the public to prevent the apprehension of the public from the effects of health on the electric carrier force (electro motive force-emf) emissions from mobile towers.

For example- nationwide awareness campaign, distribution of posters / information brochures on various topics related to EMF, publication of detailed information on various issues related to EMF on DOT website, advertisement in newspapers, launching of “Tarang Samachar” portal etc. The regional units of the DoT are also conducting public awareness campaigns to make more and more people aware of the scientific facts about the health effects of EMF emissions from mobile towers.