On Panj Pyare remark, Rawat sweeps the floor of the gurdwara, cleans the shoes

Punjab Congress in-charge Harish Rawat was seen sweeping the floor and cleaning shoes to repent his ‘panj pyare’ remarks at a gurdwara near Khatima in Uttarakhand.

A video of his action has surfaced. Rawat had earlier referred to Punjab Congress President Navjot Singh Sidhu and the four working presidents as ‘Panj Pyare’, a sacred word for Sikhs. He later apologized for his words.

Later on his Facebook page, Rawat admitted his ‘mistake’ for his ‘panj pyare’ remark.

“Sometimes by expressing respect you use words that are offensive. I have also made the mistake of using the word ‘Panj Pyare’ for our honorable President and four working presidents.”

Read in Hindi: पंज प्यारे टिप्पणी पर रावत ने गुरुद्वारे के फर्श की सफाई की, जूते साफ किए