New Delhi: Delhi Police has placed a reward of Rs 1 lakh on 4 people, including actor Deep Sidhu, accused of spreading violence on Republic Day in the country’s capital. Explain that on January 26, the tractor rally (Tractor Rally) was to be taken out by the farmers.
But some chaotic elements including Deep Sidhu provoked the farmers and spread violence in Delhi. In this violence many Delhi Police and common people were injured. The police have now announced a reward for catching these rioters.
According to news agency, the Delhi Police announced a cash reward of Rs 1 lakh for the notice of the arrest of Deep Sidhu, Jugraj Singh, Gurjot Singh and Gurjant Singh for the 26 January violence, and the alleged involvement in the 26 January violence 50,000 for the arrest of Jazbir Singh, Buta Singh, Sukhdev Singh and Iqbal Singh for involvement.
Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu has gone missing since the violence at the Red Fort on 26 January. He was last seen during the Hooda at the Red Fort, he is seen in the iconic Red Fort in Delhi amidst the crowd and the flag of Nishan Sahib was placed on the spot where the Prime Minister hoists the flag on 15 August. In a video footage of the incident, Sidhu was seen running from the spot as the situation deteriorated drastically. In the video, he sits on a motorcycle and escapes from the Red Fort.
Delhi Police has registered 44 cases and arrested 122 people so far. Many farmer union leaders have been named in police cases.
While the peasant unions alleged that it was ‘violent elements’ like Sidhu who instigated the protesters and turned the agitation violent, they defended their actions saying they did not remove the national flag at the Red Fort.
Deep Sidhu has posted a video from some unknown place. In the clip, he can be seen crying and the farmer is expressing his anger against the unions and Punjabis. Sidhu said, “I have raised the voice of Punjab and its people. I was declared a traitor. There were 5 lakh people at the Red Fort, including singers and many leaders, but only that is being targeted. “
Hearing in Supreme Court today
Today, the Supreme Court will hear public interest petitions related to the violence in Delhi on 26 January in protest against the three agricultural laws. During the tractor rally on the day of Republic Day, protesters climbed the Red Fort and also flew the religious flag. Two petitions were filed in the Supreme Court on 27 January. Hearing in these cases is scheduled today.