Rishi Sunak defends PM Modi in British Parliament; snubs Pakistani origin MP

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has distanced himself from a BBC documentary series defending Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the UK Parliament, saying he disagrees with the characterization of his Indian counterpart.

“The UK Government’s position on this has been clear and long-standing and has not changed, of course we do not tolerate bullying wherever it appears, but I am not sure how I portray it. Honorable Gentleman Completely agree with the details of the report, Sunak said while replying to Hussain’s question about the BBC report.

The UK’s national broadcaster, the BBC, aired a two-part series attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure as Chief Minister of Gujarat during the 2002 Gujarat riots. The documentary sparked outrage and was removed from the platforms. Chosen.

Prominent British citizens of Indian origin condemned the series. Prominent British citizen Lord Rami Ranger said: “The BBC has done great harm to over a billion Indians.”

Condemning the BBC’s biased reporting, Rami tweeted: “@BBCNews you have caused great harm to over a billion Indians, this democratically elected @PMOIndia disrespects the Indian Police & Indian Judiciary. We condemn the riots & loss of lives We condemn the loss of K and we also condemn your partiality.” Reporting.

The Foreign Office also responded to the BBC report, saying it was completely biased copy.

Speaking at a weekly briefing in New Delhi, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said: “We believe this is propaganda material. There is no objectivity in this. It is biased. Please note that it was not screened in India.” Was.” Answer with plenty of it so you don’t get too much dignity.

It also raised questions about the “purpose of the exercise and the agenda behind it”.

“The documentary is a reflection of the agency and the people re-telling this story. It forces us to think about the purpose of the exercise and the agenda behind it; Clearly, we want to honor these efforts,” he said.

Referring to the candid comments made by former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in the documentary series, Bagchi said: “It looks like he (Jack Straw) is referring to some internal UK report. How can I access that?” Can? It’s a 20 report. Years ago. Why would we jump on it now? Just because, as Jack says, that’s how they give it so much legitimacy.

“I heard words like inquiry and investigation. There’s a reason we use the colonial mindset. We do not use words carelessly. Are their diplomats there…inquire, are they running the country? Bagchi asked.