New Delhi: Corona virus epidemic scares people all over the world and it was for the first time that everything was stopped simultaneously. People started clapping even after meeting each other. Walking outside stopped. People also stopped taking street food. This virus became so dangerous that even the common man started worrying about it, even the doctors themselves. But the cure for this disease is that the distance can be avoided or it can be prevented from spreading. PM Modi also addressed the country from time to time and called on the countrymen to prevent the disease from spreading in the country.
March 19: Curfew in Janata
Prime Minister Modi first addressed the people of the Corona virus at 7:00 p.m. on March 19, 2020. He announced the Janata curfew on Sunday, March 22, calling on people to cooperate. At the same time, on March 22, at five in the afternoon, for five minutes, he made an appeal to thank all those who dedicate themselves to the necessary work taking risks.
March 24: Start of the confinement
On March 24, Prime Minister Modi, addressing the country for the second time, demanded time from his compatriots to fight the corona virus. In his eight o’clock speech, the Prime Minister had announced a 21-day closure across the country.
April 3: Requested nine minutes
During the Corona period, the Prime Minister addressed compatriots for the third time on April 3. PM Modi in his speech called on people to turn on the lamps on the ceiling or on the balcony by turning off the lights in the house for nine minutes at 9 pm. April 5. The prime minister had said: “We will defeat the darkness of Corona with the power of light.
April 14: Extended Close
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation for the fourth time on April 14. In his speech, the Prime Minister announced Lockdown 2.0 and extended the lockdown period to May 3. The central government extended the blockade based on suggestions received from state governments.
May 12: Economic package announced
Prime Minister Modi addressed the nation for the fifth time on May 12. In his speech, he announced an economic package of Rs 20 lakh crore. By virtue of this, it was announced that it would provide financial assistance and credit assistance to the country’s small businessmen, workers and poor.
June 30: Free ration for the poor before November
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country for the sixth time on June 30. Prime Minister Modi, in his nearly 16-minute speech, put Corona at the center and called on the people not to be negligent. Apart from this, he had announced the expansion of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana. It expanded the scheme in November.
Also read in Hindi: कोरोना काल में बचाव के लिए, चरणबद्ध तरीके से पीएम मोदी का आह्वान