About a month after Ram Navami (Ram Navami), Sita ji was published on Vaishakh Shukla Navami Tithi, hence it is called Janki Jayanti (Janki Jayanti) or Sita Navami. On this day, Mother worships Sita methodically. Know about astrology, about the date of Sita Navami, Pooja Muhurta and stories.
According to the Panchang, this year the Navami Tithi of the Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month will begin on 9 May 32 minutes on Monday. This date will conclude the next day on Tuesday, 10 May at 7.24 pm. On the basis of Udayatithi, Sita Navami or Janaki Jayanti will be celebrated on 10 May.
Auspicious Time
The auspicious time of Janaki Jayanti is from 10.57 am to 01 pm 39 minutes. Sita Navami’s moment in the afternoon is at 12:18 am. The auspicious time of Janaki Jayanti’s day is 02 hours 42 minutes.
On the day of Sita Navami or Janaki Jayanti, Suhagin women fast and worship Mother Sita. By her grace, she gets blessings of unbroken good fortune, which causes her husband longevity.
According to the mythological scriptures, in the mid-day of Pushya Nakshatra on the Navami of the Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month, when the land of Maharaja Janaka was plowing the land of the sacrifice with a plow to prepare the land of the yagna with the wish of the child, at the same time a girl child was revealed from the earth. The tip of plowed land and plow is also called ‘Sita’, hence the girl was named ‘Sita’. Therefore, this festival is also called ‘Janaki Navami’.
It is believed that a person who observes fast on this day and worships Rama-Sita with law and law gets the fruit of 16 great donations, fruits of earth donation and fruit of darshan of all pilgrimages. On this day, it is beneficial to pronounce Shri Sitayai Namah and Srisita-Ramayya Namah of Mata Sita.
According to the legend, a Vedic superior religious Brahmin resided in the Marwar region. His name was Devdutt. The Brahmin had a beautiful beautiful wife, her name was Shobhana. The Brahmin deity had gone for alms in any other village for livelihood. Here the Brahmin got trapped in Kuspat and got into adultery.
Discussions of this blasphemous karma started in the entire village. But that wicked burnt the village itself. When that disinterest, who was engaged in rapes, was born in Chandal’s house. By sacrificing her husband, she became Chandalini, and burning the village made her horrific leprosy and became blind due to adultery.
In this way, she started wandering in the country and country, receiving Darun’s sorrow day by day due to the sum of her karma. Once, she reached Kaushalpuri wandering. Incidentally, Vaishakh month was the Navami date of Shukla Paksha on that day, which is capable of destroying all sins. On the auspicious celebration of Sita Navami, she started praying for hunger and thirst- O gentlemen! Please give me some food items. I am dying of hunger. Saying this, the woman entered it passing through one thousand flowers in front of Sri Kanak Bhavan. He called again-brother! Some help me, give me some food.
Hearing his call, a devotee said to him- Goddess! Today, Sita is Navami, the one who gives food in the food feels sin, that is why today food will not be found. At the time of passing tomorrow, Thakur Ji’s offerings will be full, but he did not listen. On saying more, the devotee provided him with basil and water. She died of Papini hunger. But inadvertently, the fast of Sita Navami was fulfilled by this excuse.
Due to the influence of fasting, she was free from all sins and remained clean, and lived in heaven for infinite years. After that, she became famous as the Queen Kama Kala of Maharaja Jaisingh of Kamrup country. That great Sadhvi built many temples in her kingdom, in which Janaki-Raghunath’s reputation was made.
On Sita Navami, devotees who worship Mother Janaki, get all kinds of happiness and good luck. On this day, by reciting Janaki Stotra, Ramachandrashtakam, Ramcharit Manas, etc., all the sufferings of human beings are removed.
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