Swing voters show less trust in Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak: Bring back Boris, research shows

At least 49 percent of Tory supporters still want former British PM Boris Johnson not to be dropped from the PM race and would have preferred him over Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak, research has shown.

Richard, a plumber in the frontier seat of Southampton Itchen, told the Daily Mail: “Others don’t have to deal with what they have. They stepped straight and it was Brexit and then it was Covid and now This war is Ukraine. Everyone is worried about it, he should have done this, he should have done that. But I want to see him in his shoes.”

“Whether he will fail or succeed, we will never know now, but he should have been given the opportunity,” said another voter in Greater Manchester.

A third voter also expressed dismay at Boris being betrayed, saying, “I really liked Boris and was really disappointed with the way he was treated. They pick up on little things.” Huh.”

British prime minister optimist Rishi Sunak has said he is excited to move forward in the Conservative Party’s leadership campaign, even as the party’s poll of voters calls for a stronger lead for his rival, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.

Earlier on Thursday, a new YouGov poll for Sky News showed Truss had a solid 32 point lead in the race and that other polls of Tory members who voted in this election showed one in favor of Sunak’s opponent showed similar inclination.

During an extensive discussion on ITV, the former minister in Boris Johnson’s cabinet admitted that it was “a bit strange” that his former boss had announced his resignation as Tory leader and British prime minister last month, just days before he announced his resignation. Resigned in the wake of the deluge. Ministerial resignation after his own early exit.