New Delhi: Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu yesterday praised the approval for the emergency use of two Covid vaccines. He described it as a quantum leap in science and said that it would benefit humanity in a big way.
Writing on social media today, the Vice President emphasized that this achievement is a sign that self-reliant India can benefit not only Indians but also humanity at large. Appreciating the national resolve shown by the country in the prevention of Kovid-19 last year, Naidu called for working in the same spirit during the year to bring vaccines to the people.
Naidu said that India has been at the forefront of protecting humanity from this deadly disease by demonstrating its ability and ability to produce large quantities of this much needed vaccine. India’s indigenous vaccine (covaccine) has some unique features based on the reach of the entire virus. This is a commendable achievement and the visionaries deserve congratulations for the strong and enthusiastic efforts.
In the year 2020, citing the devastating effects of Kovid-19, he said that the vaccine was awaited, as it was the only weapon to return to safety and protected life. He also praised the success of enthusiastic scientific efforts to come forward with such vaccines as science triumphs. Naidu also said that one can wait for this success ceremony until the vaccine is available to every needy, but it is only appropriate to express happiness at this optimistic moment. He said that India’s enthusiastic efforts towards providing vaccine hope to provide vaccine to the people of the world from the leadership role of India in the collective fight against the most dangerous health challenges of the last 100 years after the outbreak of Spanish flu. is.
He said that the development of the vaccine and its system has been guided by strict protocol protocols and strict monitoring of attendant data has to be done without any compromise. The Vice President yesterday referred to the regulator’s assurances about the proper diligence of the nation before approving two vaccines, namely Kovishield and Kovaccin.
Naidu said that this leap in Indian science with the announcement of vaccine clearly reflects the spirit of self-reliant India. It shows that self-reliant India is not only meant for its people but also for the people of the whole world. India stands firmly at this critical moment of a great reckoning. It also reflects our ethos of sharing our achievement and caring for all. Soon the vaccine will be started, which will be a beginning towards leaving behind the grief and anxiety of the previous year.
Venkaiah Naidu said that in the year 2020, the whole country stood in one voice to deal with the situation of Kovid. The national leadership and states and union territories in the center acted with the spirit of unity. This succeeded in significantly enhancing the fight against Kovid and the capacity needed for its prevention. Shri Naidu also emphasized the need to demonstrate the same resolve in getting the vaccine from people this year.