The untold story of Justice Krishna Mohan Pandey: His landmark judgement for opening Ram temple first time

The impact of the Supreme Court’s historic decision on the Ayodhya issue is all over the country, but Saturday’s scene in Gorakhpur’s Jagannathpur locality was a bit different. This is from the nineties. The Ram temple movement (Ayodhya Ram Mandir) was desperate to reach its peak. The decision of the career of the judge who opened the lock of the same Ram temple was also going to be done in this decade. The Center had sought a list of judges from the UP government for promotion to the High Court.

The then government sent a list of names of fifteen judges to the Center, but on one of the names of that list, the alleged note of the head of the state, Mulayam Singh Yadav, was also there. According to Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the name was not considered by the central government even after being entitled to promotion because of this one note. This was the name of Justice Krishna Mohan Pandey. Justice Krishna Mohan Pandey, who had opened the lock of Ayodhya Ram temple while being the district judge.

Promotion was stopped after Ram temple order

For the first time, the lock of Ram temple was open on the decision of Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, Mulayam Singh had stopped the promotions

Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, a resident of Jagannathpur locality of Gorakhpur, was the first judge on whose orders the lock of the Ram temple was opened. The people of this locality are directly connecting with the judicial side of the case, that’s because a landmark verdict of the year 1986, which opened the lock of Ram temple, came out from the pen of a youth of this locality. He was Krishna Mohan Pandey, who used to be the district judge of Faizabad.

Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, who gave the decision to open the lock of the temple on February 1, 1986, for worship in Ayodhya, was a resident of Gorakhpur. Then he was on the post of Faizabad District Judge. However, after this order, his promotion was stopped. It is said that later when the central government changed, only then his promotion file was approved and he was made a judge of the High Court.

Senior journalist Sujit Pandey, nephew of Krishna Mohan Pandey, a resident of Alhadadpur, Gorakhpur, says that two years after the verdict, in view of the seniority order, he was recommended by the judiciary to appoint him as a High Court judge, but from 1988 to January 1991, he was not promoted.

New Delhi: The judge who opened the lock of Ram temple in Ayodhya was Krishna Mohan Pandey. In 1986, 39 years after independence, this great Hindu protector had delivered this historic verdict while being the district judge. He told such a thing that he saw in his own eyes, hearing which all the countrymen were astonished. In his autobiography, he has mentioned a black monkey, seeing which he gave the historic decision to open the lock of Ram temple. In 1999, this great Rambhakt merged into the Panchatattva. The whole of India will always be indebted to him.

Seeing a black monkey, the judge gave the decision to open the lock of the disputed building.

Author Hemant Sharma, who wrote the book on Ayodhya, has written, this book is a document of the events seen by his eyes. In the book, he has mentioned a monkey. In the chapter of the book ‘Ram Lalla Ki Tala Mukti’, it is written that Krishna Mohan Pandey, who was then the District Judge of Faizabad, wrote in his autobiography published in 1991, “The day I was writing the order to open the lock. He had a vision of Bajrang Bali in the form of a monkey. A black monkey was sitting on the roof of my court holding the flag post all day. Those people who had come to the court to hear this verdict, were giving gram and peanuts to that monkey, but it is funny that that monkey has eaten anything. He sat silently holding the flag post and kept looking at the people. He left only after giving my orders. When the DM and SSP went to take me home after pronouncing the verdict, I found that monkey sitting in the verandah of my house. I was very surprised. I saluted him. It must have been some divine force.”

Let us tell you that at that time the effect of the Supreme Court’s historic decision on the Ayodhya issue is in the whole country, but in Jagannath Pur locality of Gorakhpur, the view on Saturday was a bit different. This is from the nineties. The Ram Mandir movement was desperate to reach its peak. The decision of the career of the judge who opened the lock of the same Ram temple was also going to be done in this decade. The Center had sought a list of judges from the UP government for promotion to the High Court.

The then government sent a list of names of fifteen judges to the Center, but one of the names of that list also had a purported note of Mulayam Singh Yadav, the head of the state. According to Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the name was not considered by the central government even after being entitled to promotion because of this one note. This was the name of Justice Krishna Mohan Pandey. Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, who had opened the lock of Ayodhya Ram temple while being the district judge.

Promotion was stopped after Ram temple order

Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, a resident of Jagannathpur locality of Gorakhpur, was the first judge on whose orders the lock of the Ram temple was opened. The people of this locality are directly connecting with the judicial side of the case, that’s because a landmark verdict of the year 1986, which opened the lock of Ram temple, came out from the pen of a youth of this locality. He was Krishna Mohan Pandey, who used to be the District Judge of Faizabad.

Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey, who gave the decision to open the lock of the temple on February 1, 1986, for worship in Ayodhya, was a resident of Gorakhpur. Then he was on the post of Faizabad District Judge. However, after this order, his promotion was stopped. It is said that later when the central government changed, only then his promotion file was approved and he was made a judge of the High Court.

Ayodhya dispute may be heard in Supreme Court today. The court has fixed time for the arguments of all the parties. Regular hearing on this dispute is being held since August 6. In such a situation, let us explain why the year 1986 becomes important in this whole controversy.

Let us explain why the year 1986 becomes important in this whole controversy. In fact, in the same year, Faizabad District Judge Krishna Mohan Pandey had ordered the unlocking of the disputed site, to which the faith of crores of Ram devotees was attached.

In 1949, some people placed an idol of Lord Ram at the disputed site and started worshiping, after this incident Muslims stopped offering Namaz there and the government locked the disputed site. On 1 February 1986, the District Judge of Faizabad allowed Hindus to worship at the disputed site. After this incident, angry Muslims formed the Babri Masjid Action Committee.

Krishna Mohan Pandey, who was the District Judge of Faizabad, had given the decision to open the lock of the disputed building. While he was writing the verdict, a monkey was sitting in front of him. He too has an interesting story.

The District Judge of Faizabad ordered the opening of the lock of the disputed building in Ayodhya on 1 February 1986. The state government gets it implemented within forty minutes. The court’s decision came at 4.40 pm. The lock of the disputed building opened

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