New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced further relaxation in the lockdown. According to the announcement made on Sunday, markets and malls in Delhi will reopen completely. The odd-even system is being abolished. Kejriwal has made a big announcement to unlock Delhi by holding a press conference at 12 noon today. Markets and shops are being allowed to open. That is, from June 14, the process of Unlock-3 will start in Delhi. Along with this, he said that private offices have also been ordered to open on the basis of conditions from Monday.
Arvind Kejriwal said in the press conference today that the process of Unlock-3 will be started in Delhi from tomorrow. Markets and malls will be fully opened and can be opened from 10 am – 8 pm. Restaurants and hotels can also be opened with 50 percent capacity.
Kejriwal further said that schools, colleges, social, political, sports, entertainment, religious gatherings, spas and gyms will remain completely closed.