In the Indian high-speed train ecosystem, the Vande Bharat Express train occupies the top position. Currently, there are 4 of them in operation across the country, but according to a recent statement by Union Railway Minister – Ashwini Vaishnav, the government is keen to introduce 475 Vande Bharat Express trains in the country by 2025.
To ensure that the journey to launch more such semi-high-speed trains, Ministry of Railways has floated a tender for making 200 new rakes of new generation Vande Bharat trains. According to official information that has come out, the total tender cost is around Rs 26,000 crore, while the information has revealed that the project will have to be completed in just 30 months.
Five major companies namely BHEL, BML, Medha, RVNL and Alstom India have shown their interest in the project. Significantly, these 200 rakes of Vande Bharat will be designed for sleeper class only.
Also, the train could be made with an aluminum body and is 2-3 tonnes lighter than the previous version of the trains. These trains will have only sleeper class coaches with Wi-Fi facility. Each coach will have LED screens providing passenger information and infotainment. The newly designed Vande Bharat Express trains will have a photo-catalytic ultraviolet air purification system, which will also be fitted for air purification.
These trains will also have automatic fire sensors, CCTV cameras and GPS systems to make travel safer and more comfortable. Significantly, Vande Bharat Express trains provide immersive and aircraft-like travel experience. All trains are equipped with advanced state-of-the-art safety features, including indigenously developed Train Collision Avoidance System – Kavach. Railway officials are saying that these trains are a game changer for rail development projects in the country.