What are green fireworks? Is it safe and less polluted?

New Delhi, Nov 14: The Supreme Court on Friday altered a Telangana High Court request forcing total and prompt prohibition at a bargain of fireworks in the state during Diwali, saying the headings of National Green Tribunal (NGT) on blasting of sparklers remembering the contamination level be followed. Green crackers are developed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. These crackers emit pollutants at less than 30 per cent rate than the conventional ones. They are made using less polluting raw materials and their chemical foundation ensures particle emission into the atmosphere by suppressing dust produced. The regular crackers emit about 160 decibels of sound, while the green crackers emit sound at 110-125 decibels.

SWAS, STAR and SAFAL are the three type of crackeers available in India. Mumbai boycotts fireworks on Diwali, utilization of phooljhadi’, ‘anar’ permitted between 8 pm till 10 pm. While green crackers also use polluting chemicals like aluminium, barium. potassium nitrate and carbon, the quantity is reduced which in turn lowers the emission by around 30 per cent.

There are some green crackers where these chemicals are not used. In order make firecrackers using the green cracker formulation, manufacturers will have to sign a deal with CSIR.

The NGT, on November 9, forced a complete prohibition on special or utilization of a wide range of sparklers in the National Capital Region (NCR) till November 30 12 PM. It had said the bearing of complete boycott will apply to all urban areas and towns in the nation where the normal of surrounding air quality during November 2019 was in ”poor” or more classes. It, however, had said that in cities or towns where air quality is ”moderate” or below, only green crackers be sold.

The timings for use and blasting of wafers be confined to two hours during celebrations like Diwali, Chhath, New Year/Christmas Eve, as might be determined by the state concerned,” NGT had said.

In Diwali, NGT boycotts deal or utilization of sparklers in Delhi from 12 PM today till Nov 30 The Telangana High Court on November 12 came out with a request requesting that the state government boycott the deal and utilization of fireworks and it was tested by the Telangana Fire Workers Dealers Association (TFWDA) in the top court.